Organizing report for first quarter

During the first quarter of 1996, the UNA gained 216 members insured for nearly $5 million. The top branch organizers were: UNA Auditor Stefan Hawrysz (Branch 83), with eight members; Miron Pilipiak (Branch 496), seven members; Dr. Atanas Sluzarczuk (Branch 174), Michael Kihiczak (Branch 496), Alexandra Lawrin (Branch 175) and Andrew Skiba (Branch 399), five members each.

Results among professional organizers were as follows: Maria Chomyn, 18 members; Longin Staruch, 15 members; Andre Worobec, eight members; Joseph Binczak, Irene Danilovitch and Eugene Oscislawsky, four members each; John Danylak, three members; Barbara Bachynsky and Natasa Sukovic, two members each; and Michael Armstrong and Wlad Szczurko, one member each.

The UNA Executive Committee thanks all organizers for their efforts to increase UNA membership, since membership is the guarantor of any organization's continued existence. At the same time, the UNA Executive Committee calls on all branch officers to participate in the membership campaign and increase organizing activity in their branches. Only when all of us work together will our efforts be successful.

UNA District Committee Meetings


PITTSBURGH - The Pittsburgh District of the Ukrainian National Association held a meeting on May 4 at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall, located on the South Side of Pittsburgh.

District Vice-Chairman Nick Diakiwsky chaired the meeting, which had representatives from many of the branches in the district. The attendees were as follows: Branch 53, Charles Sachko, president; Branch 63, Michael Turko, secretary, and John Lukowsky; Branch 96, Jaroslawa Komichak, secretary, Osyp Polatajko and Michael Komichak; Branch 120, Eli Matiash, secretary, and Casey Pudik; Branch 132, Michael Smereka secretary, Branch 161, Mr. Diakiwsky, secretary, (also a UNA advisor); Branch 481, Angela Honchar.

Among the topics discussed was the need to increase the UNA's involvement and visibility in the Pittsburgh area, and the necessity to increase the UNA's membership in the district. It was also decided to deposit all district funds into the Ukrainian Self Reliance Federal Credit Union of Western Pennsylvania.

The election of officers was held and the following members were nominated and unanimously approved: Mr. Diakiwsky, chairman; Osyp Polatajko, vice-chairman; Angela Honchar, English secretary; Slava Komichak, Ukrainian secretary; and Elias Matiash, treasurer.

Mr. Diakiwsky then introduced guest speaker, UNA Secretary Martha Lysko. Mrs. Lysko spoke about progress in the merger discussions between the UNA and the Ukrainian Fraternal Association, mergers of branches within the UNA and the districts's organizing results for 1995 and the first quarter of 1996. Special mention was made of the successful organizing by Branch 63 Secretary Turko, who organized 25 new members in 1995.

Mrs. Lysko also reviewed policies and procedures, presented a booklet on new term insurance, and discussed the new newsletter, UNA in Focus, designed to reach all UNA members and spread the word of our organization.

Mrs. Lysko also informed the gathering that The Ukrainian Weekly can now be found on the Internet and that the UNA itself plans to be on-line later in the year with a homepage.

Mrs. Lysko welcomed questions from members and a lively discussion ensued. After this the meeting adjourned for refreshments.


by Terena Butrej Yohe

BERWICK, Pa. - The Wilkes-Barre UNA District's first meeting of 1996 was held on April 21 at the residence of Tymko and Sheila Butrej.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Butrej, district chairman. He introduced and welcomed UNA Secretary, Martha Lysko and her husband, Volodar. The presence of a quorum was affirmed and a presidium was elected. The meeting was turned over to Taras Butrej, who conducted the agenda.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Terena Yohe, secretary. The minutes were accepted as read by Henry Bolosky and seconded by Alice Malischak.

The treasurer's report was given by Mr. Bolosky. He stated that since Mach 20, 1994, the date of the last audit, there were two withdrawals for death benefits for two members. This amounted to $50. There were also UNA deposits and monthly interest on the account. A donation of $40 to the Ukrainian American Relief Fund was made on November 16, 1995. A $24 deposit was also made during this meeting which brought the current balance to $129.77. Mr. Bolosky requested an audit of the report. A motion to accept the auditor's report was made by Ms. Malischak and Anna Bolosky.

The following were proposed as the district's new officers:Taras Butrej, chairman; Tymko Butrey and Ms. Malischak, vice-chairpersons; Tania Snavely, secretary; Linda Harrington, (chair), Bonnie Scholtis and Mary Bolosky, auditors. The entire slate nominated was unanimously accepted.

Mrs. Lysko then addressed the meeting. She voiced her pleasure at seeing the Butrej family pass the UNA tradition to future generations. She stressed the importance of involving youth in the UNA. The new chairman of the Wilkes-Barre UNA District is Major Butrej, who recently left the United States Air Force after 11 years of active service. Now, upon resuming civilian life, Mr. Butrej is eager to assume an active position in the UNA and the Ukrainian community.

Mrs. Lysko also reviewed UNA policies and procedures, presented a booklet on new term insurance, discussed the new UNA newsletter, The UNA in Focus, and showed the new directory of the organization. She also thoroughly covered UNA sales statistics.

The group was also informed of the possible merger of the UNA with the Ukrainian Fraternal Association, and the idea received positive feedback.

Mrs. Lysko told the UNA'ers that The Ukrainian Weekly can now be found on the Internet and, hopefully, the UNA will be on-line by September. Various questions and concerns of the members were also addressed.

Mr. Butrej introduced the Rev. Paul Guthrie OFM to the group. Father Paul is currently fulfilling his duties as pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church in Berwick. He assumed this position following the death of Msgr. John Beckage in February.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Henry Bolosky and seconded by Ms. Bolosky. Refreshments were served.

Young UNA'ers

Andreas Josef Proisl Jr., son of Kathleen Patricia and Andreas Proisl, is a new member of UNA Branch 183 in Detroit. He was enrolled by his grandparents Anna and Andrij Hawrylyszyn.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 16, 1996, No. 24, Vol. LXIV

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