Shcherbak's letter to The Washington Times

In connection with the alleged Ukrainian-Libyan "comprehensive strategic cooperation" cited in The Washington Times on June 10, Ukrainian Ambassador Yuri Shcherbak sent a letter to Wesley Pruden, editor-in-chief. The text follows.

Dear Mr. Pruden:

It was extremely surprising and frustrating for me to read on June 10 in your newspaper, which has always tried to be accurate in covering events in my country, the article by Bill Gertz on the alleged "strategic alliance" between Ukraine and Libya.

Let me state at once that these allegations are absolutely groundless. Moreover, they could only be considered as an intended attempt to cast a shadow on the growing U.S.-Ukraine partnership, friendship and cooperation.

Ukraine has always been and remains faithful to its international commitments, especially when it concerns such a sensitive problem as U.N. sanctions, to say nothing of transferring weapons technology.

My country scrupulously adheres to the sanctions against Libya that were adopted by the U.N., despite the difficult economic situation we are currently in. Moreover, due to the comprehensive governmental system of export control, which assures prevention of transfers of goods and technologies regulated by the international regimes of non-proliferation of mass destruction weapons and means of their delivery, several years ago an attempt to transit through Ukrainian territory a sensitive solid rocket fuel component to Libya was prevented. Incidentally, this system was established with American assistance, experience and expertise, and we are grateful to the U.S. for it.

Let me stress once again that Ukraine is as much interested in the sound and reliable export control system as the United States. Furthermore, particularly mendacious are allegations of Ukraine transferring nuclear technology to Libya. Having joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1994 and having rid itself of nuclear weapons on June 1, 1996, my country has demonstrated an example of internationally responsible behavior which was recognized and highly appraised by the U.S. administration and G-7 leaders.

Even more groundless and illogical are the accusations that Ukraine is selling mass destruction weapons technology to Libya under the pretext of its participation in the construction of a railroad in that country. One can hardly call "the participation" an intent to take part in the international tender (along with a number of Western companies) for this contract which in no way violates the U.N. sanctions.

Last but not least, it is noteworthy that the original article and the follow-up articles of June 12 and 13 appeared in your newspaper at a time when hearings on overseas assistance were under way in the U.S. Congress. Thus, the true purpose of these published allegations appears at best suspect.

As a writer, who, unfortunately, for most of my life lived under a Communist regime, I am fully cognizant of the methodology of Soviet propaganda, when on the basis of unrelated facts unsubstantiated and erroneous conclusions were reached.

I am certainly aware that a newspaper seeks burning issues; however, this need should not be satisfied at the expense of the truth and accuracy in reporting. What we really should be seeking are ways to consolidate the already existing relations of mutual trust and partnership between our countries and peoples.

Finally, I would like to quote the words of Mr. Nicholas Burns, spokesman of the U.S. Department of State, who said "... when they [the governments] hear something from us diplomatically, that's authoritative. When they read something in a newspaper that has been leaked, that's one particular person's point of view and he or she is not courageous enough to put his name to it, they ought to disregard it. That would be my advice."

Ukraine has never been cited or officially warned by the U.S. administration about any violations of the U.N. sanctions.

Yuri Shcherbak
Ambassador of Ukraine

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 23, 1996, No. 25, Vol. LXIV

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