Stamford's Ukrainian Catholic bishop marks 25th anniversary

by Msgr. John Terlecky

STAMFORD, Conn. - The Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Stamford commenced a period of thanksgiving and celebration on May 22, in honor of its Ordinary, Bishop Basil H. Losten, who is commemorating the 25th anniversary of his episcopal ordination.

During more than memorable ceremonies on May 25, 1971, in the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia, Msgr. Losten and Msgr. John Stock were both consecrated bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church by Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn of Philadelphia, Bishop Jaroslav Gabro of Chicago and Bishop Michael Dudick of Passaic.

[At those ceremonies, 2,500 demonstrators protested the method used to name the two bishops, as the nominations were made by the Vatican, acting without consulting the primate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Archbishop-Metropolitan Josyf Slipyj. Thus, it was seen as a violation of the rights of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops' Synod. (See The Weekly, May 29, 1971.) - ed.]

In a wonderful liturgical setting on the campus of St. Basil College Seminary in Stamford, Bishop Losten opened the season of jubilation with a pontifical divine liturgy of thanksgiving in the presence of four Roman Catholic cardinals, six metropolitan-archbishops, a Ukrainian Orthodox delegation headed by Metropolitan Constantine of Bound Brook, N.J., 32 Catholic brother bishops, 120 priests, representatives of five women's monastic orders, seminarians, members of the Losten family and chancery/seminary staff.

A bright procession of cardinal red dignified the honor and respect accorded Bishop Losten by the Catholic community in the United States, as all were uplifted by the participation of Cardinals Anthony Bevilaqua of Philadelphia, William Keeler of Baltimore, Bernard Law of Boston, and John O'Connor of New York.

Other ecclesial dignitaries present included Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk of Philadelphia, Metropolitan-Archbishop Judson Procyk of the Byzantine Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Theodore McCarrick of Newark, N.J., Archbishop Daniel Cronin of Hartford, Conn., Ukrainian Orthodox Archbishop Antony of Washington, Ukrainian Orthodox Bishop Vsevolod and retired Archbishops Peter Gerety and George Pearce.

The two-hour liturgy was celebrated in English and Church Slavonic. Responses were sung melodiously and inspirationally by the St. Basil Seminary Choir under the direction of Prof. Joseph Roll.

Following the gospel reading, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Leon Mosko, editor of The Sower diocesan newspaper, quoted a few gracious remarks from dozens of messages that were sent to Bishop Losten by Roman Curia prefects and secretaries of the Holy See, by member-bishops of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and by other ecumenical leaders of the Orthodox Church.

Msgr. Mosko then read the full text of a personal letter to Bishop Losten from Pope John Paul II.

In his letter, the pope mentioned that the 25th anniversary of Bishop Basil's episcopal ordination is an opportunity for the universal Church to rejoice in the stewardship displayed by the jubilarian, especially through the diocese of Stamford, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and via his efforts towards Christian unity.

The holy father noted, "we desire to extol with just praises your episcopal ministry, in company with your own whole Ukrainian community, whom for many years now you have served with care, especially by your diligent administration of their heritage. "

At the conclusion of the divine liturgy, Cardinal Law extended cordial greetings to Bishop Losten in the name of all brother bishops gathered. He even serenaded the bishop with a religious hymn that calls on all successors of the apostles to heed Christ's call that Peter feed his sheep.

Bishop Losten was the last to speak, offering accolades of gratitude to his brothers and sisters present, his brother bishops, his Ukrainian flock which has always invigorated his pastoral ministry, his priests and nuns, the seminary choir, and to all who contributed to the day's festivities. Joyous notes of "Mnohaya i blahaya lita" filled the chapel.

The pontifical divine liturgy was the first of many events scheduled by his diocesan family to honor Bishop Losten in the next few months. In addition to his silver jubilee as bishop, the faithful of the diocese will also mark the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination and the 20th anniversary of his appointment as eparch of Stamford.

Regional celebrations are being planned from September through February in the following diocesan centers: Albany, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers, N.Y., Hartford, Conn., and Boston. A testimonial is scheduled in New York City at the Sheraton Center Hotel on January 12 of the new year.

Information on planned events as they become finalized, as well as a journal book of greetings and felicitations, is available from any local Ukrainian Catholic pastor of the Stamford Diocese or from the Bishop's Chancery Office in the person of Msgr. John Terlecky, jubilee general coordinator, (203) 324-7698.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 23, 1996, No. 25, Vol. LXIV

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