Ukrainian women's groups attend international convention in Nashville

by Iryna Kurowyckyj

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - International President Jeannine C. Faubion opened the 105th annual International Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs held here at the Opryland Hotel on June 15.

Over 1,100 delegates from the U.S. and nine other countries participated in the convention. Three women represented Ukrainian women at the convention: Natalia Danylenko, vice-president of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations, Natalia Iwaniw, president of the Ukrainian Gold Cross, and this writer, vice-president of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America.

The convention opened with a processional. Ms. Danylenko walked behind the Ukrainian flag, which was carried by a GFWC member. The Rev. Rosemary Wood, pastor of the United Methodist Churches in Nashville, offered the invocation. The recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the national anthem followed. The presentation of colors was provided by the Tennessee Army National Guard. The recording secretary read greetings from national and local legislators.

The morning keynote address was given by Laura Liswood, whose topic, "Women Leaders: Beijing and Beyond," encompassed her documentary and book project that resulted from interviews with all the living female heads of state, an odyssey that began in 1993. She also showed a six-minute video segment excerpted from her documentary.

At the international workshop many problems were discussed, such as getting visas on time to attend the convention, especially for delegates from Third World countries. During the workshop there was time to share women's problems and successes. Ms. Iwaniw and Ms. Kurowyckyj addressed the ramifications of the Chornobyl nuclear accident and the status of women in Ukraine.

Delegates from nine nations were welcomed by the GFWC president at the international luncheon. The Brazilian delegation offered a blessing. This was followed by a series of three-minute reports given by various international delegates.

Ms. Danylenko of the WFUWO reported that Ukrainian women celebrated the 110th anniversary of the women's movement in Ukraine and noted with pride President Faubion's visit to the Ukrainian Women's Club Miroslava in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1995. She also reported that five WFUWO members had attended the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

Ms. Kurowyckyj of the UNWLA reported that the organization's 24th triennial convention celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding. She also described the active part the UNWLA is taking in marking the 10th anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster and calling the world's attention to the traumatic aftereffects of this tragedy. She stated that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is the honorary chairperson of Chornobyl Challenge '96.

Ms. Iwaniw of the Gold Cross reported on the work of her philanthropic organization, which provides humanitarian aid, including food, clothing and medical supplies.

The GFWC was founded in 1890. It has members in 40 countries. By the turn of the century the GFWC was a member of the National Council of Women of the U.S.A. The UNWLA has been a member of the GFWC since 1948.

Iryna Kurowyckyj is vice-president of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 4, 1996, No. 31, Vol. LXIV

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