President Clinton greets Ukrainians on fifth anniversary of independence

Following is the text of a statement on Ukrainian Independence Day by President Bill Clinton, released by the White House on August 21.

Warm greetings to all those celebrating the fifth anniversary of Ukrainian independence. I am delighted to join with Ukrainian Americans across our nation in marking this special day.

In its five years of independence, Ukraine has emerged as a leader for peace and democracy. The Ukrainian American community can take pride in giving invaluable moral support and financial help that have sustained friends and relatives in Ukraine through this unprecedented and challenging transition.

This past year, especially, has been marked by extraordinary accomplishments that have advanced the sovereignty and prosperity of Ukraine, while positioning Ukraine as a stabilizing force in an evolving and undivided Europe. Ukraine's decision to complete the removal of nuclear warheads from its territory has been lauded by the international community as an historic step, and the Ukrainian people can be proud of their new Constitution, which exemplifies the principles of democracy and human rights as the bedrock of the political system.

These achievements have won the respect of the United States and other nations around the globe. We remain committed to supporting Ukraine through its ambitious and far-sighted reforms and to working with Ukraine and our European partners to promote Ukraine's integration into the European family.

Best wishes for a wonderful Ukrainian Independence Day.

Bill Clinton

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1996, No. 35, Vol. LXIV

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