Congressional reception to be held in D.C.

WASHINGTON - The Capitol Hill commemoration of Ukrainian Independence Day is an important tradition in Washington that has greater meaning on the fifth anniversary of the August 24 Declaration of Ukrainian Independence. Following such a tradition, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Inc. (UCCA) and the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) will coordinate this event and provide a forum for members of Congress to express their solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian American community.

In observance of the fifth anniversary of Ukrainian independence, a special congressional reception will be held on Capitol Hill on September 18. Sponsored by Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, the UACC and the UCCA, the two-hour event will be held in the Senate Caucus Room (located in the Senate Russell Office Building). Over 30 senators and representatives have endorsed the congressional reception by serving as supporting members of the event.

Beginning at 12 p.m., the congressional reception will feature a luncheon, remarks from members of Congress and the Ukrainian government, a musical program, and an exhibit of paintings and Ukrainian artifacts in the Senate Caucus Room. The hierarchy of the Ukrainian Churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Baptist-Evangelical) have been invited to participate, along with leaders of Ukrainian American organizations. The participation of the entire Ukrainian American community is of utmost importance in order to convey the appreciation of the community to the members of Congress who will join in the celebration of Ukraine's fifth anniversary of independence.

The cost of the congressional reception is $35, which includes a complete luncheon. RSVP for the congressional reception by September 11. Checks should be made payable to the UCCA and sent to the following address: Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), 214 Massachusetts Ave., NE, Suite 225, Washington, DC 20002.

For further information contact Michael Sawkiw Jr. at UNIS, (202) 547-0018, or Ihor Gawdiak of the UACC, (301) 680-8414.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1996, No. 35, Vol. LXIV

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