Bob Dole salutes Ukrainians on Independence Day

Following is the text of a statement on Ukrainian Independence Day by Bob Dole, Republican presidential candidate, released on August 22.

I would like to congratulate and salute the people of Ukraine and their democratically elected leaders on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Ukraine's independence. I would also like to send my best wishes to the many Ukrainian Americans who will be celebrating this historic occasion.

On August 24, 1991, Ukraine's Parliament declared the independence of Ukraine, and a few months later this decision was overwhelmingly ratified by 91 percent of Ukrainians. This courageous vote for freedom followed decades of Soviet communism, tyranny and domination, and attests to the strength of Ukraine's national spirit, as well as its commitment to independence and Western values.

The significance of Ukraine's sovereignty must be fully appreciated. As a country of 52 million people, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Ukraine is destined to play a pivotal geostrategic role. Therefore, we must ensure that Ukrainian independence remains undiminished and is fully respected by its neighbors, including Russia.

I applaud the significant strides which Ukraine has already made in democracy-building, adoption of rule of law, civilian control of the military, and creation of market-based economic mechanisms and institutions. Ukraine is also steadily proceeding to take its rightful place in the Western economic, political and military community.

Let me underscore, that is where Ukraine belongs by virtue of its history, culture and traditions. That is why the NATO Enlargement Facilitation Act of 1996 - which I introduced before leaving the Senate and which has now been passed by the Congress - registers American support for consideration of Ukraine's prospective NATO membership.

I would like to emphasize that my strong support for Ukraine's independence will continue. Over many years, I have been proud to work closely with Ukrainian Americans and their leaders on issues of importance to the United States and Ukraine. I believe that the support and dedication of the Ukrainian American community has greatly contributed to the national rebirth and historic democratic transformation in Ukraine. I look forward to our continued cooperation toward advancing close bilateral ties between Ukraine and the United States, a peaceful, stable Europe and a secure, independent Ukraine.

Bob Dole

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 8, 1996, No. 36, Vol. LXIV

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