Kuchma-Gore Commission is created

As The Weekly was going to press on September 19, the White House released the text of a joint statement on the creation of the Kuchma-Gore Commission.

Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma and U.S. Vice-President Al Gore agreed today to create the U.S.-Ukraine Binational Commission. The commission will build even closer ties between Ukraine and the United States and will deepen our strategic partnership.

This partnership has already produced tremendous dividends for both countries and for global security. In 1996, the United States has led the international community to mobilize $1.9 billion in financial commitments. Ukraine is the third leading recipient of U.S. assistance - $330 million in grants and $675 million in bilateral credit for 1996. For its part, Ukraine has firmly established democratic elections as the bedrock of its political system, and market reforms have gone far toward stabilizing the economy and creating a foundation for growth. Ukraine has also overseen the removal of all nuclear weapons from its territory, setting a sterling example of non-proliferation. These steps have advanced Ukraine's integration with Europe and the West and have positioned Ukraine to be a pivotal and stabilizing force in an evolving Europe.

The Binational Commission, which will be headed by President Kuchma and Vice-President Gore, will build on these accomplishments to realize the full promise of the U.S.-Ukrainian partnership. President Kuchma and Vice-President Gore will meet annually to guide the work of the commission, which will be carried out by four committees: Foreign Policy; Security; Trade and Investment; and Sustainable Economic Cooperation. These committees will engage regularly during the year to ensure that the bilateral relationship continues to produce concrete results. President Kuchma and Vice-President Gore have instructed the four committees to begin their work immediately.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 22, 1996, No. 38, Vol. LXIV

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