Creation of Ukrainian Americans for Clinton-Gore is announced

CHICAGO - The Clinton/Gore campaign on October 9 announced the formation of "Ukrainian Americans for Clinton/Gore" at a news conference here in Chicago. Clinton/Gore Ethnic Director Ilir Zherka joined Ukrainian American leaders to kick off the committee.

Members of the committee are distinguished Ukrainian leaders from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

These leaders will work in local communities to build voter support for the president. Ukrainian Americans for Clinton-Gore '96 will focus on the following activities: informing the Ukrainian American community of the president's accomplishments; identifying voters in the community; and rallying Ukrainian Americans behind the re-election of the president and the Vice-president.

"The support of such distinguished leaders is a testimony to President Clinton's achievements on issues of concern to Ukrainian Americans," said Alan Wheat, deputy campaign manager and director of public liaison. "President Clinton has led international efforts to promote a democratic and market-oriented Ukraine that is secure within its borders and at peace with its neighbors. The president has also worked hard to strengthen American families and communities by helping to create 10.5 million new jobs, by enacting the Family and Medical Leave Act, and by spearheading tough crime control laws."

Following are the members of Ukrainian Americans for Clinton/Gore '96:

Honorary National Steering Committee: Terry Bazyluk, Mary Beck, Orest Dubno, Andrew Fedynsky, Anna Krawczuk, Julian Kulas, Alex Kuzma, Joseph Lesawyer, Askold Lozynskyj, Michael Matiash, Bozhena Olshaniwsky.

State Advisory Committees:

California - Ray Lapica, Orest Weres;
Connecticut - John Teluk;
Delaware - Mark Murowany;
Illinois - Myron Kulas, George Panchyshyn, Andrew Ripecky;
Massachusetts - Myron Boluch, Joseph Charyna, Mary Wasylyk;
Michigan - Stephen Wichar, Sophia Woloszczuk;
Minnesota - Peter Kmit;
New Jersey - Alexander Blahitka;
New York - Dorothy Dowzycky Furtney, Roksolana Lozynskyj, Ihor Makarenko;
Ohio - George Bilokonsky, Walter Bubna, Ihor Diaczun;
Pennsylvania - Ulana Mazurkevich, Ivan Oleksyn, Ed Zetick.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 20, 1996, No. 42, Vol. LXIV

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