Pharmacia Upjohn helps Kyiv hospitals

by Inya Bonacorsa

KYIV - The Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund joined forces on September 4 with the pharmaceutical company Pharmacia Upjohn to distribute the antibiotic Solu-Medrol, valued at nearly $13,000, to four medical institutions in Kyiv.

The four institutions were: the Kyiv Emergency Hospital, Kyiv Hospital No. 22, Kyiv Oblast (Regional) Intensive Care Clinic and the Center for Surgery of the Thyroid Gland.

Solu-Medrol is a powerful post-operative antibiotic and is frequently used in the treatment of cancer patients.

In addition to providing supplies of the antibiotic, Pharmacia Upjohn medical specialists provided a program of on-site lectures and slide presentations on several topics to physicians and medical care workers in the facilities.

Through the CCRF, Pharmacia Upjohn in April donated antibiotics valued at $900,000 to the relief mission organized by the U.S. Department of State to aid the victims of Chornobyl.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 3, 1996, No. 44, Vol. LXIV

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