Detroit District holds UNA Day

by Stephen M. Wichar Sr.

WARREN, Mich. - A primary objective in the Ukrainian National Association is to promote fraternalism through activities that engender both unity and growth. The Greater Detroit area maintains a vigorous level of such activity under the leadership of Dr. Alexander Serafyn, district chairman and advisor on the UNA General Assembly. One popular activity is the annual UNA Family Day designed for officers, members and special guests.

On August 17, approximately 40 UNA'ers gathered at the popular Ukrainian Resort Center in Milford, Mich. After early cocktails and dinner, Dr. Serafyn opened the program with a welcome and with introductory information on the UNA, especially those facts that have a bearing on Detroit-area fraternal life.

Dr. Serafyn announced that in the first seven months of this year 37 members were enrolled by the district's branches as follows: Branch 174, 12 members; Branch 82, seven members; Branches 175 and 183, five members each; Branch 146, three members; Branch 94, two members; Branches 292, 303 and 341, one member each. These 37 new members represent $330,000 in life insurance.

Dr. Serafyn also spoke of UNA problems in respect to the sale of the UNA building, the search for a smaller headquarters building, and other lesser issues. Much interest was generated in the forthcoming merger with the Ukrainian Fraternal Association.

Acting as the afternoon toastmaster, Dr. Serafyn introduced two featured speakers, who recently were in Ukraine and suggested that each give his reflections of Ukraine.

The first speaker, Zenon Wasylkevych, described his visit with his brother-in-law, the newly installed Bishop Lubomyr Husar of the Kyiv-Vyshhorod Exarchate of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. He described the installation ceremonies held in a beautiful setting amidst perfect weather, and said being at the event was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

On a lighter note, Irene Pryjma, secretary of Branch 292, provided a delightful summation of the Ukrainian people she and her husband, Myroslaw, visited with, the beautiful construction of various edifices in Ukraine, and a host of other observations. Mrs. Pryjma also presented a pictorial exhibit.

Olha Maruschak rounded out the afternoon with colorful and pleasing satirical stories direct from Kyiv, while Vera Kryvyj, the new financial secretary of Branch 174, added humoresques from Ivan Franko's literary works. A traditional "UNA Chorus" followed with a songfest that lasted late into the afternoon.

Chairman Serafyn concluded the UNA Family Day with many thanks to those who made it such an outstanding success.

New York District Committee meets

by Mary Dushnyck

NEW, YORK, N.Y. - Representatives of 12 branches of the UNA New York District were welcomed by its chairman, Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw, to the annual meeting held at the Self-Reliance Hall here. Also welcomed were UNA President Ulana Diachuk, Auditor John Wynnyk, and Honorary Members of the General Assembly Walter Sochan and Mary Dushnyck.

A presidium was chosen consisting of Mr. Wynnyk as chairman and Nadia Sawczuk as secretary.

Dr. Luchkiw reported that new members can be organized, and he attested to that by enrolling 11 members in 1995. The district gained 67 members, 45 percent of its quota, for total insurance of $678,351. Dr. Luchkiw's 11 members were followed by Zenovia Zarycky's, six, and Eustachia Milanytch's and Mary Dushnyck's five each. Marion Klymyshyn and George Yurkiw each had four; Barbara Bachynsky had three; Maria Kulczycky, Oksana Lopatynska, Maria Maslowycz and John Pryhoda had two each. Fourteen UNA'ers enrolled one member each.

Dr. Luchkiw said 25 scholarships were granted to New York District applicants. He also stated that he wrote 50 letters to the U.S. government on Ukrainian matters.

The minutes of last year's meeting were then read by secretary Ms. Sawczuk, while treasurer John Choma reported on the District Committee's finances. Following a discussion on the reports, Auditing Committee Chairman Michael Spontak requested a vote of confidence be given to the outgoing officers, which was granted.

Next, the Nominating Committee, consisting of Mr. Choma, Yuriy Kostiw and Mr. Yurkiw, presented its slate of nominees. Elected were: Dr. Luchkiw, chairman; Mr. Kostiw and Dr. Dmytro Bodnarchuk, vice-chairmen; Ms. Sawczuk, secretary;and Mr. Choma, treasurer.

Committee members elected were: press - Mrs. Bachynsky (Ukrainian) and Ms. Dushnyck (English); organizing - Maria Szeparowycz and Olga Liteplo; program - Ms. Liteplo; members-at-large - Roman Forostyna, Ivan Darnobid and Mr. Yurkiw.

Named to the Auditing Committee were Mr. Spontak (chairman), Taras Schumylowych and Mrs. Zarycky.

At this point, the meeting chairman, Mr. Wynnyk, called upon UNA President Diachuk for her presentation. She began by focusing on organizing new immigrants from Ukraine, and then covered the topics of scholarships, Soyuzivka, and new term and other policies. She especially emphasized striving to strengthen our communities in the U.S. and bringing in young people.

Mrs. Diachuk also spoke of the possible merger of the UNA with the Ukrainian Fraternal Association and the Ukrainian National Aid Association, UNA publications, the sale of the UNA building, etc.

Mr. Wynnyk recalled the role of the UNA in helping the Ukrainian community to develop in the U.S. and the need to publicize the UNA more, especially among professionals and young people.

Mr. Sochan spoke of the UNA's help given to Ukraine and the need for the community to undertake more of that aid.

Mrs. Dushnyck noted there were several branches in the New York District that did not organize a single member in 1995 and stressed the necessity to change this in 1996. Also, we should endeavor to correct errors about Ukraine in the American press, she said.

Mrs. Diachuk answered questions raised concerning the sale of the UNA building, plans for a new one and the current real estate situation.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Luchkiw announced a plan of action for the coming months and adjourned the meeting.

UNA'ers take to the links in Ohio

UNA Branch 161 in Ambridge, Pa., sponsored three golf outings for its members this summer. The first outing was held Saturday, June 22, at Stonecrest Golf Course in Wampum, Pa. A total of 67 members attended. Seen above at that outing are (from left) Ron, Richard, Robert and Steve Monzi. The second outing was held Saturday, August 10, in Spring Lakes, Ohio, where 37 members were in attendance. The final outing was scheduled for Saturday, September 29, at Stonecrest. Special thanks goes out to Ron Monzi, branch president, John Sradomski, auditor, Jim Paliani, trustee, and Eddie Rudakewich, member. The outings are an annual event that have become a tradition for this branch. Other UNA branches, districts or members that would like to be a part of future outings are invited. Information may be obtained by contacting Ron Monzi at the UNA Branch 161 lodge, (412) 266-3130.

- Nick Diakiwsky


Due to the fact that there were two Dr. Baranowskyjs (Stefania and Roman) who participated in the UNA Seniors conference at Soyuzivka, the story published on September 15 created some confusion. It was Dr. Stefania Baranowskyj who arranged a cruise on the Hudson River and recited a poem about the Chornobyl nuclear disaster.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 3, 1996, No. 44, Vol. LXIV

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