The Christmas spirit

All around us it may seem that the Christmas season has passed, but for those Ukrainians and others who observe the Julian calendar, Christmas arrives on January 7. Thus, the Christmas spirit is still with us as we mark the birth of the Savior by giving thanks for the greatest of God's gifts to us: His Only Begotten Son.

At this time of year we exchange gifts as tangible expressions of our love and esteem for family members, friends, colleagues, etc. But, we should not allow this tangible expression - no matter how pleasant and lovely a custom it is - to become the be-all and end-all of our Christmas giving.

The Christmas season calls upon us to recall the principal commandment brought by the One who was born on Christmas day: "Love thy neighbor."

The spirit of the season calls upon us to remember the less fortunate among us. Whether those less fortunate are fellow Ukrainians, or our neighbors in our communities is not important. What is important is to remember - and care - about our fellow man. That care can be shown in many ways; we can give of ourselves through volunteer work or via donations of goods or financial contributions.

Christmas shows us also that from humble beginnings can come greatness and that simple things can be priceless. So, we must learn to appreciate what we have, to make the best of it and to give thanks for God's blessings.

As well, this holy season calls upon us to live as seen in the example of Jesus Christ's life and in his teachings: to turn the other cheek; to do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

If only we could do that in our Ukrainian community life! Dare we hope that, perhaps, during this special season, we can put away our enmity, our envy, and, yes, our pride to think of the greater good? That we can forget old quarrels and disagreements, that we can put aside our negative criticisms and focus on the positive that does exist in each and every one of us? With this new outlook, we can move on toward a better tomorrow.

Thus, as we light the candles on our Christmas Eve tables for Sviata Vecheria (holy supper), let us do so as a symbol of unity among all Ukrainians around the world: the fortunate and not so fortunate, our allies and our (hopefully former) adversaries. Let us try to begin anew renewed in the spirit of Christmas.

And then, united in love, as brethren, let us greet each other: Khrystos rodyvsia - slavim Yoho! Christ is born - let us glorify Him!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 5, 1997, No. 1, Vol. LXV

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