Reaction by UOC-USA

The Ukrainian Weekly's Kyiv correspondent Roman Woronowycz contacted Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. via phone on January 15 for his comments on new developments within the UAOC in Ukraine. Following is Archbishop Antony's statement.

We consider it to be a sad state of affairs. We continue to call on the bishops to act upon the request of Patriarch Mstyslav in his last will and testament: to come together, look one another in the eye and to come to an honorable agreement about the unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

This is an intolerable situation that exists at this time. It benefits no one. You could even call it a hindrance to the unity of the country.

There are now essentially four Orthodox Churches in Ukraine. We have taken a stance of neutrality and pray for unity. [However] we continue to provide financial support to the seminaries in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 19, 1997, No. 3, Vol. LXV

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