Re: access to The Weekly on the Internet

TryzubSite is one of the quickest growing and most visited sites for matters Ukrainian on Internet. Located at, it is currently host to several organizations. This site is constantly being updated, and new features are being introduced. In testing new features of a web server the week of January 20, certain sites - including The Ukrainian Weekly's portion of the Current Events section on Ukraine FAQ Plus and the Ukrainian National Association's Homepage - were affected adversely in terms of access.

The TryzubSite regrets the inconvenience this may have caused. For information and to report problems such as these, e-mail should always be sent to the attention of the site's webmaster to the address: [email protected]. Contacting the webmaster is the best way to guarantee that any problems are resolved in the most efficient manner.

- Bohdan Peter Rekshynskyj ([email protected])

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 2, 1997, No. 5, Vol. LXV

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