UCCA prepares to commemorate 50th anniversary of Akcja Wisla

by Michael Sawkiw Jr.
Ukrainian National Information Service

WASHINGTON - One of the most important activities of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Inc. (UCCA) scheduled for 1997 is commemorating of the 50th anniversary of Operation Wisla. More than 650,000 Ukrainians living in Poland's eastern territories were forcibly uprooted in 1944-1947 and deported to the former USSR and northwestern regions of Poland. The reason for this dislocation was not a natural disaster or uninhabited lands, but Polish government's animosity toward the Ukrainian minority.

Pursuant to a treaty between the USSR and the Polish People's Republic, Ukrainians were forcibly deported from Poland to the former Soviet Union. In less than two years, almost 500,000 Ukrainians were evicted from their homes and resettled. Many members of the community were killed, while Ukrainian churches were desecrated or destroyed.

In 1947 Polish authorities developed a plan (later re-named Operation Wisla) to resettle the remaining Ukrainian community to lands in northwest Poland. Particularly targeted segments of the population included the clergy, intellectuals and members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).

During this 50th anniversary year of Operation Wisla, the UCCA has put forth a program to focus world attention on the infamous operation and to seek some compensation relief. Plans call for highlighting this historic injustice via scholarly articles in The Ukrainian Quarterly.

The UCCA delivered a letter dated January 13 and written in Polish and English to Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and the Polish Parliament (Sejm), appealing for a condemnation of the acts and the creation of a program of rehabilitation and compensation for the victims. Copies of the letter (the text of which appears below) were forwarded also to the Polish Ambassador to the United States, Jerzy Kozminski; the president of the Polish American Congress, Edward Moskal; and, the president of the United Ukrainians in Poland, Myron Kertyczak.

On January 26, UCCA President Askold S. Lozynskyj and External Affairs Chairman, Orest Baranyk met with Polish American Congress President Edward Moskal in Chicago. Mr. Moskal agreed to assist the UCCA in its appeal to the Polish government. Mr. Lozynskyj, commented on the meeting: "We focused on several issues of mutual concern aimed at ameliorating relations between our people both in Poland and in Ukraine. Both communities in the United States look forward to be of much assistance in this regard."

The UCCA is also requesting all local Ukrainian American communities to appropriately commemorate the 50th anniversary of Operation Wisla with religious services, conferences, and public gatherings.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 2, 1997, No. 9, Vol. LXV

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