Ukrainian aviators find Oklahoma friends

Twenty-four countries were represented at the XVIII World Aerobatic Championships held in Oklahoma in August 1996. Ukraine was among the elite participants, with a team of eight people. Team Ukraine ended up approximately in the middle of the pack, with the top honors going to France, Russia and the U.S. The Oklahoma Friends of Ukraine (OFU), founded three and a half years ago as a non-profit organization to foster cultural and commercial interests of Ukraine through joint endeavors of Ukraine's and Oklahoma's people, was a key host for the visiting Ukrainian team. Since these championships, the OFU has remained in contact with the Ukrainian team, looking for ways to assist them by bringing them into sponsor relationships with various aviation industries in Oklahoma. Olga Kelley serves as the liaison member from the OFU in furthering these efforts. The OFU also is helping the Ukrainian team prepare for the next international aerobatic championships in Italy and Turkey. OFU welcomes correspondence from other American aviators or friends of aviators interested in working in this U.S.-Ukraine program. Contact the OFU either through Post Office Box 26952, Oklahoma City, OK, 73126, or through the internet: [email protected] or [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 6, 1997, No. 14, Vol. LXV

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