
by Stephen M. Wichar Sr.

WARREN, Mich. - It is not often that a Ukrainian National Association District Committee annual meeting hosts four national officers. Such was the case here on March 9 when the Detroit/Toledo/Windsor UNA District Committee convened for its annual deliberations. Among those present were Martha Lysko, secretary; Anatole Doroshenko, auditor; and Dr. Alexander Serafyn and Roman Kuropas, advisors.

Dr. Serafyn, as the local district chairman, opened the conclave of 20 executive officers and branch representatives. After establishing a quorum, introductions were made and an agenda was adopted. Dr. Serafyn and Roman Lazarchuk were selected as the presidium officers. Mr. Lazarchuk was invited to read the minutes of the March 3, 1996, annual meeting.

In keeping with a decision made at an executive board meeting held on February 17, only designated officers presented annual reports for the Detroit District. Dr. Serafyn proceeded by reviewing the issues and activities of his tenure. He highlighted the ever successful UNA Day at the popular Dibrova Estate, the propagation of the UNA through the film "Helm of Destiny" to community groups, and other related public relations matters. He briefly discussed his work as a former officer of the Michigan Fraternal Congress, and concluded his report with personal thanks to his UNA colleagues.

The Chairman's report was followed by that of Mr. Lazarchuk, district secretary. Jaroslaw Baziuk, treasurer, reported a relatively inactive year in both income and debits accounting; several secretaries reported on their branch progress.

Olha Marusczak, chairperson of the district auditing committee, noted that Mr. Lazarchuk, Mr. Baziuk, Zenon Wasylkevych and Stephen Wichar were given high marks for the performance of their duties.

Ms. Marusczak also presented a "verbal commendation" of Dr. Serafyn. Ms. Marusczak declared, "He provided the necessary UNA leadership in the Metropolitan Detroit area. He has, indeed, completely fulfilled his role as a national advisor."

Ms. Marusczak also reported as the nominations committee chairperson. The following persons were nominated to serve as Detroit District officers for the 1997-1998 term: Dr. Serafyn, chairman; Mr. Wichar Sr., vice-chairman and English public relations/publicity; Mr. Baziuk, treasurer; Mr. Lazarchuk, corresponding and recording secretary; Dr. Atanas Slusarczuk, Ukrainian public relations; Mr. Wasylkevych, publicity (Ukrainian); Jurij Rub, programs and hospitality; Osyp Bihun, programs and hospitality; Gregory Korbiak, Dmytro Koszylowsky, Mr. Kuropas and Petro Zaluha, advisors; Ms. Marusczak, Josef Postolowsky and Serafina Marzotto, auditors. The proposed slate was unanimously elected.

Dr. Serafyn called on Secretary Lysko as the featured speaker for the afternoon. After a brief welcome to the Detroit District, Ms. Lysko provided a corporate data sheet on organizing results and membership.

She pointed out that Detroit, in a roster of 30 districts within the UNA structure, in terms of its organizing activity was in sixth place. Fifty-seven new members were enlisted in 1996 for a total insurance value of $567,041. A quota of 50 percent was achieved by Detroit. Dr. Slusarczuk led the organizers' list with 12 new members.

Ms. Lysko also summarized some of the preparations for the 1998 UNA Convention, including updating the membership roster with proper addresses and other data.

Referring to the recently established Ukrainian National Foundation, Ms. Lysko said, "although UNA branches donate to the Ukrainian community for varied causes, it is also important to remember and support UNA projects as well." Among other issues covered were insurance training programs, upcoming by-laws changes, scholarships and the UNA-UFA merger.

Ms. Lysko also announced that in New Jersey the UNA has several professional insurance salesmen, and if anyone is interested in becoming licensed in his respective state, the UNA will offer maximum assistance.

Mr. Doroshenko responded to several questions that were germane to his office as auditor. He also announced that he has purchased a condominium in Northville, Mich., and will become a member of the Detroit District Committee.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Serafyn thanked both Ms. Lysko and Mr. Doroshenko for their contribution to a successful annual meeting. He also listed some of the activities planned for the next term of office.

The Detroit District will continue its annual UNA Day, plan an organizing conference, sponsor a community meeting with Dr. Myron Kuropas to promote his forthcoming book on UNA history, develop a joint project with the Selfreliance Credit Union and present an afternoon related to consumer fraud, and show a new video on the "Hryvnia - Ukrainian Currency." Screenings of "The HeIm of Destiny" will be continued on a request basis, and other public relations projects that advance the interests of the UNA also will be supported.

The 1997 annual meeting was formally adjourned, but members remained for an evening repast and fraternal camaraderie.

UNA Seniors Association slates annual conference

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Have you made your reservations for the 23rd UNA Seniors' Conference to be held at Soyuzivka on June 8-13?

The highlight of the conference will be a trip by chartered bus from Soyuzivka to New York City on Wednesday, June 11, to visit the exhibit "The Glory of Byzantium" at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. More than 350 rarely seen treasures from around the world are included in an exhibition of unprecedented scope and dazzling beauty. The exhibition covers the rich heritage of Byzantium's golden age and the cultural currents it shared with Kyivan Rus'. The Ministry of Culture and six museums of Ukraine have loaned great medieval treasures.

Included in the exhibition will be sacred icons adorned with gold, mosaics, frescoes, ivories, enamels, silks, stone carvings, gems, ceramics, manuscripts, coins, gold and silver liturgical objects. Also, The Metropolitan's own collection of jewelry from Kyivan Rus' discovered near the Desiatynna Church in Kyiv will be included. The cost of the trip will be $20. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as the exhibit will be shown in New York only.

The Seniors' Conference program will feature something for everyone. After registration on Sunday afternoon and dinner, a welcoming wine-and-cheese party will take place in the Carpathian Echoes Lounge in the Main House. Participants will have an opportunity to socialize, dance and enjoy meeting Ukrainian seniors from all over the United States.

On Monday morning, the members will attend the annual divine liturgy offered in memory of deceased UNA seniors. After the religious services, the 23rd conference will be officially opened by Anna Chopek, president of the UNA Seniors Association. The national anthems will be sung, and the pledge of allegiance recited. A conference chairman will be elected and committees appointed.

Business sessions will be held mornings between 10 a.m. and noon. Reports will be given, new officers elected and new business discussed. One session will be devoted to a discussion of current problems in Ukraine, with Dr. Roman Baranowskyj acting as moderator.

During the conference there will be a meeting with the president of the Ukrainian National Association, Ulana Diachuk, who will speak about the various insurance policies and programs available to the public, the prospects of selling the UNA's headquarters building and acquiring a smaller building more suitable to the organization's needs, and negotiations regarding mergers involving other Ukrainian fraternal societies. A question-and-answer period will follow her presentation.

Afternoons and evenings will feature line dancing, a sing-along, a Bingo night and an auction of Ukrainian items donated by the members. Proceeds of the auction will be donated to Ukrainian charities. An evening will be devoted to card playing, a racing game and Ukrainian videos.

The conference will end with a cocktail party and banquet at Veselka, featuring a prominent speaker, and dancing to a good orchestra after the formal part of the program.

It is requested that women wear Ukrainian blouses, and men wear Ukrainian shirts or ties if possible to the banquet. Those wearing Ukrainian attire will be eligible for a door prize. Be sure to bring a Ukrainian item for the auction.

UNA members and UNA social members who have a card from their branch secretary will be entitled to a special reduced rate for their stay at Soyuzivka during the conference.

Dr. Chopek advised: "Come and enjoy meeting with UNA Seniors from various parts of the United States, and participate in this important fraternal activity."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 13, 1997, No. 15, Vol. LXV

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