Ambassador Shcherbak visits Ukrainian community in Texas

HOUSTON - Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, Dr. Yuri M. Shcherbak, paid a four-day visit to Texas earlier this year.

Upon his entrance into the terminal of Houston Intercontinental Airport, Ambassador Shcherbak was greeted by members of the protocol division for the city of Houston, as well as representatives from the Houston World Affairs Council and Houston's Ukrainian American community. Nadia Buchai, president of the Ukrainian American Cultural Club of Houston, formally greeted the ambassador on behalf of the community, and Tanya Buchai presented him with flowers.

Ambassador Shcherbak's Houston schedule for January 6-9 included meetings with Mayor Bob Lanier, the Houston Chronicle editorial board, former President George Bush, and private business meetings. Visits in the greater Houston area included Shell Oil Co., Johnson Space Center (NASA), Texas Medical Center, Houston World Affairs Council, local television station Channel 51, where he appeared on the morning news program, and the Petroleum Club, which hosted a dinner in Ambassador Shcherbak's honor.

During his visit to the Texas Medical Center, Ambassador Shcherbak met with Dr. Lief Peterson of Baylor College of Medicine, who heads the Cancer Control Center, Children of Chornobyl Research Institute.

The Houston World Affairs Council hosted a business luncheon that featured Ambassador Shcherbak as its guest speaker. The ambassador's speech, titled "The Dynamics of Economic Reform in Ukraine," was well received by the audience of over 110 attendees. During the luncheon Mrs. Buchai was recognized for her assistance with Ambassador Shcherbak's visit. Though there were numerous questions for Ambassador Shcherbak, due to a time constraint he was only able to answer a few. He visited briefly with some members of the audience before he departed and continued with his schedule.

Ambassador Shcherbak was hosted at a reception at Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall. Upon his entrance Ambassador Shcherbak was greeted in traditional manner by the Rev. Andrij T. Dwulit and parish council members Martha Noukas and Eugene A. Kuchta. Juliana Noukas, Nina Seniw and Olha Seniw presented the ambassador with flowers.

Ambassador Shcherbak spoke about the current situation in Ukraine, informed the audience that establishing a consular office in Houston was a strong possibility, and answered questions from the audience. Alexander Filenko, president-elect of the Ukrainian American Cultural Club of Houston, presented Ambassador Shcherbak with a gift of $500, which will be sent by Mr. Filenko to a worthy cause as designated by the ambassador.

Ambassador Shcherbak concluded his visit to Houston with a visit to the residence of Eugene A. and Irene L. Majnich Kuchta, where he was able to meet in a very relaxed atmosphere with the officers of Ukrainian organizations in Houston. Conversation primarily focused on what the local Ukrainian American community can do to assist in the promotion of Ukraine in Texas.

On January 9, Ambassador Shcherbak traveled to Austin, where he met with Gov. George W. Bush and visited the LBJ Library.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 27, 1997, No. 17, Vol. LXV

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