LUV endorses Jersey candidates

Dear Editor:

A low voter turnout in primary elections gives added significance to each individual voter. For years the New Jersey-based League of Ukrainian Voters (LUV) has conducted voter-registration drives and now urges all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, to exercise their option to vote - especially in the primaries.

Those who have not registered are not eligible to vote. As a consequence, their unheard voices have allowed surrogates to speak for them and that can result in a dearth of beneficial ideas. Non-voters often turn out to be chronic complainers and they develop negative attitudes towards politics and government in an atmosphere where cynicism breeds more cynicism.

LUV endorses candidates who are deemed to be worthy public servants that enhance the interests of the general welfare and are seen to be an asset to the concerns of the Ukrainian American community. Though this is not a presidential year there are, nevertheless, some interesting choices.

In New Jersey the re-election of State Senator Ronald L. Rice (28th District: Newark, Irvington, Maplewood, South Orange) and his team in the Democratic primaries offers Ukrainians a measure of integrity, anti-drug campaigns, citizen safety and a concern for Ukrainian issues. He was the sponsor of the Rice Amendment, enabling the Ukrainian Famine to be taught in public schools in addition to Holocaust studies. In 1996 he sponsored a resolution in the New Jersey State Senate regarding the 10th anniversary of Chornobyl, the Ukrainian Independence Day resolution and, in 1997, a resolution supporting the extension of residency for Vova Malofienko and his parents who were brought to New Jersey area after the Chornobyl disaster by CCRF.

LUV also endorses the Democratic gubernatorial candidacy of State Senator and Woodbridge Mayor Jim McGreevey, a legislator who has taken an interest in Ukrainian affairs such as Chornobyl and Ukrainian independence resolutions in the New Jersey Senate.

Going to the polls regularly strengthens the voting habit. The fact that an uninformed public gets duped by demagogues is hardly a valid reason for not voting in elections. It's just the opposite. The type of representatives we get ultimately rests with the discerning voter. We don't always get the desired choice, but no-shows at the polls leave the door open to chicanery and authoritarianism.

Points of discussion and inquiries are encouraged by writing to LUV, 43 Midland Place, Newark, NJ 07106 or by calling (201) 373-9729. Voting in primaries is primarily a good idea.

Walter Bodnar
Newark, N.J.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 1, 1997, No. 22, Vol. LXV

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