Kyiv dance group seeks sponsors for International Children's Festival

by Marta Zielyk

WASHINGTON - The International Children's Festival this year, for the first time, will include a dance group from Kyiv. The festival, which will be held on September 9-15 in the Washington area, has also invited student performers from Bolivia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, South Africa and Taiwan. The annual international event features cultural, social and educational experiences for both the international participants and American students.

The program of the International Children's Festival, produced in cooperation with the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts and the National Park Service, is composed of three parts: an educational enrichment program, a public festival and a gala reception dinner. All international cultural groups will give repeating performances at Wolf Trap in Vienna, Va., during the two-day public festival on September 13-14. The participants will also perform at the gala reception dinner on September 13 at the McLean Hilton, before an audience of ambassadors, members of Congress, major corporate sponsors and other guests.

With the help of sponsors, children age 14-18 from the Ukraine Folk Dance Group - eight pairs of dancers and several musicians - will share their talents, culture and traditions with other children of the world at this prestigious cultural exchange. The group needs funds to pay for transportation costs from Kyiv to Washington. The International Children's Festival will pay all other expenses while the group is in the U.S.

The TWG Cultural Fund is cooperating with the International Children's Festival to bring the Ukraine dance group to this premier cultural event. The fund is asking community members to sponsor a young performer from Ukraine by giving $250 toward his/her transportation costs. A portion of this donation is tax-deductible and includes two tickets to the festival on September 13-14. The full donation is tax-deductible without the tickets. Checks are to be made payable to: International Children's Festival and marked "for TWG Cultural Fund."

A donation of $500 to $999 includes two tickets to the gala, a listing in the festival program and six tickets to the festival. Donations of all amounts will be appreciated.

Please send checks to: International Children's Festival, c/o TWG Cultural Fund, 3722 48th St. NW, Washington, DC 20016. For more information call Katya Bowers, (703) 549-1544, or fax, (703) 549-7425.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 15, 1997, No. 24, Vol. LXV

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