Women's federation meets in Buenos Aires

TORONTO - The Regional Conference of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations took place in Buenos Aries, Argentina, on April 1-4. Participating in the conference were Oksana Sokolyk, WFUWO president; Olha Bandera, president of the Ukrainian Women's Association of Argentina; Maria Shulba, president of the Women's Association Enlightenment in Argentina; Halyna Dribnytsia, president of the Ukrainian Women's Organization Renaissance in Argentina; and Nadia Mazepa-Gonsalves, president of the Ukrainian Women's Organization of Brazil; along with 50 members of these organizations.

At the public session on April 4, Mrs. Sokolyk and Yaroslav Sokolyk, general-secretary of the Ukrainian World Congress, and Ms. Mazepa-Gonsalves informed the delegation and guests present about their respective organizations.

During the visit to South America, a wreath was laid at the monument of Taras Shevchenko. There were many visits also to private homes, Plast, Prosvita, Renaissance and Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox churches. Representatives also paid visits to Ukraine's Ambassador Viktor Paschak, Bishop Andres Sapeliak and the Rev. Ivan Demchuk.

The WFUWO conference ended with a concert in which many choirs, dance groups and soloist Claudia Polotnianko took part. Interesting questions about the problems facing the WFUWO, the organization's seventh congress and future projects were discussed.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 29, 1997, No. 26, Vol. LXV

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