UUARC Information Bureau aims to help new immigrants

PHILADELPHIA - For the past four months, the Information Bureau of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, has been helping Ukrainians who have come to the United States during the last several years and those who are here temporarily visiting their families or friends.

Established in January, the Information Bureau of the UUARC provides free assistance to newcomers in the following areas: immigration problems; extensions of legal stay in the U.S.; obtaining "green" cards, Social Security cards and/or individual taxpayer identification cards; employment; opening bank accounts; obtaining driver's licenses and medical or dental insurance.

The Information Bureau is led by the following: Metodij Boretsky, chairman, Andre Michniak, an attorney who specializes in immigration law, and Vera Andryczyk, member. The bureau is open on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month from 10 a.m. to noon at 1206 Gottman Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111.

Additional information may be obtained by calling (215) 728-1630, faxing (215) 728-1631, or writing to the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee Information Bureau at the above address.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 29, 1997, No. 26, Vol. LXV

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