Kravchuk tapped for advisory panel

KYIV - President Leonid Kuchma on July 7 authorized the creation of a State Committee on Administrative Reform and appointed former President Leonid Kravchuk as chairman. The committee's mission is to develop concepts and strategies as to administrative reforms, introduce rational administrative divisions and propose ways to restructure the state financial system. Mr. Kravchuk hinted that entire ministries and departments could be dissolved and that the committee's proposals should be ready by the end of the year. (Eastern Economist)

NATO-Ukraine Crimea exercises moved

KYIV - The Defense Ministry announced on July 7 that Ukraine has decided not to hold land exercises with NATO on the Crimean peninsula in August. A ministry spokesman told journalists that the military had decided to move the exercises elsewhere because Crimea lacks the necessary infrastructure. A spokesman for the U.S. Sixth Fleet confirmed that the U.S. has agreed to the change. He said he was unaware of the reason for the switch. Pro-Russian groups in Crimea have recently protested the plan to hold land exercises there. At one point, an anonymous spokesperson claiming to represent Crimean prostitutes said that her colleagues would refuse to accept NATO soldiers and sailors as clients. The U.S. Sixth Fleet and other NATO navies will still carry out sea maneuvers off the Crimean coast in an operation named "Sea Breeze." (RFE/RL Newsline)

Interest rates lowered to record 18 percent

KYIV - The National Bank of Ukraine on July 8 lowered interest rates from 21 percent to 18 percent. The move is seen as a positive one and the rate now stands lower than at any time in the last few years. Lower interest rates may help Ukrainian businesspeople obtain sorely needed credit, according to NBU officials. (Eastern Economist)

Camp children struck by mystery illness

KHARKIV - Fifty-six children and one adult were hospitalized on July 7 as a result of poisoning at the "Lisova Kazka" children's camp near the city. The cause of the poisoning has not yet been determined. The camp has been isolated and the Kharkiv procurator has started an official investigation. No fatalities were reported. (UT-2, Eastern Economist)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 13, 1997, No. 28, Vol. LXV

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