Remarks by NATO leaders, Kuchma at signing of partnership charter

Following are excerpts of statements by Prime Minister José Maria Aznar of Spain, President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana and President Bill Clinton of the United States during the signing ceremony of the NATO-Ukraine Charter on a Distinctive Partnership in Madrid on July 9.

PRIME MINISTER AZNAR: ... For my country, the signing of a charter for a distinctive partnership between NATO and Ukraine is clear and effective proof of the importance we in the Atlantic alliance attach to the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine as key factors for stability in Europe. The fact that a country as important as Ukraine is joining the Euro-Atlantic community is a significant event in the history of our peoples.

The contents of the charter we are about to sign are also a source of satisfaction. On the one hand, the charter recognizes an indisputable strategic reality, namely, the role Ukraine has to play in European security. On the other, it also demonstrates the gravity of the Atlantic alliance to respond to the challenges posed by the end of the century, particularly the creation of an indivisible and transparent system of European security, one which avoids new dividing lines in Europe and gray areas in security. ...

The NATO-Ukraine Charter seeks to ... contribute to the strengthening of our shared security, institutionalizing a specific partnership which will serve as a framework to develop relations between Ukraine and the Atlantic alliance in the future. The flexible nature of the charter is clearly one of the most positive aspects of this important document and will contribute to the consolidation of its contents, broadening it when necessary, and adapting it to future needs and to the new security environment. ...

PRESIDENT KUCHMA: ... Madrid '97 will undoubtedly go down in history as a city where the dividing line, left by the Cold War in the very center of Europe, is eliminated.

Yesterday a decision was made to invite to membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization the Polish Republic, Hungary and the Czech Republic - democratic countries, close neighbors and partners of Ukraine.

Today is of particular significance, too. Right after this ceremony, the Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Council's session will start. This new forum of deepened cooperation will enable us all to work closer together in the political field and will provide for a new approach to the realization of the Partnership for Peace program.

In a few minutes the charter on special cooperation between Ukraine and NATO is to be signed. This historic document is going to be further convincing evidence that a new security architecture, based on openness and partnership, is being steadily constructed on the European continent. In the conclusion of the charter, the deep internal transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance is reflected, as is the democratic course of Ukraine and its real gains in integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures. I am convinced that these processes will go on, and go on in parallel fashion.

As a large country by European dimensions, Ukraine feels itself an integral part of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, and is ready to take part in providing peace and stability in these regions and on the continent in general. ...

In the course of negotiating this charter, not all the desires of Ukraine have been taken into account, but despite that we have good reasons to be satisfied with the achieved result. At the end of the day, we do not consider it final, but rather a transitional one. We have a lot of joint work to do in the future.

I would like to thank you, esteemed Secretary General Mr. Javier Solana, and the leaders of all this alliance's member-states for having supported the idea of establishing a special partnership between Ukraine and NATO, and finalizing it in the charter. Political will and sense, demonstrated by all participants to the preparation of the charter, allow us to affirm the following: Europe has changed, and it is only through joint efforts that security on the continent can be guaranteed. From now on, Ukraine and NATO are going to work together to that end.

... We welcome the relationship of cooperation and understanding set up between Russia and NATO and think that gradual and open development of that relationship is going to be speeded up.

I would like to emphasize in particular the fact that the integrity and comprehensiveness of European security are principles that have more than declarative value for Ukraine. From the point of view of our country's national security, they have a real practical dimension. Ukraine - a nation with a history of many centuries, many pages of which have recently been written with blood and human tragedies - is re-entering the route of stability and civilization. The changes that have taken place in relations between NATO and other countries are accomplishments preventing the repetition of past divisions of the continent.

All this, together with NATO's peacekeeping activity in the former Yugoslavia, and the stabilizing role of the alliance in the central, eastern and southeastern parts of Europe, has proven that the level of security has not decreased as a result of NATO's enlargement. On the contrary, relations between the candidates and their neighbors have been normalized. And what now, after Madrid?

We have every reason to hope that increasing openness, development of partnership and cooperation, and joint protection of common values will become key principles of European security. Thus, the doors of European and trans-Atlantic institutions should remain open to all the countries that would like to join them and meet corresponding criteria.

We shall be able to respond to the challenges of the 21st century with dignity on the condition that every state assumes responsibility for its own contribution to international security. Ukraine has made its choice and is ready together with NATO member-countries and partners of the alliance to take an active part in the construction of a secure future for Europe. And, thus, for the whole world.

SECRETARY GENERAL SOLANA: ... Today will rank as a memorable day in the relations between NATO and Ukraine, because it is today that a new era is beginning ...

The signing of this charter today is the visible symbol of a new Europe - not a Europe of the past, not a Europe of division, not a Europe of confrontation between East and West, but, on the contrary, the Europe of the future, a united Europe, a Europe where East and West are partners, alliances working for peace, a durable peace based on friendship, a friendship which stems from close and numerous contacts at all levels between the allies, Ukraine, and beyond with all our partners.

In May, the alliance opened a NATO documentation center in Kyiv, the first of this kind in any partner country. Its purpose is a simple, but essential one: to make information available on the alliance, on Ukraine and to the Ukrainian people. It is open to anyone to walk in, to ask questions, to get information. There is a huge interest in the alliance in Ukraine. The more we respond to that interest, the more we discover that misconceptions and misunderstandings are coming down. There is, instead, a growing understanding of our common interest and our common heritage. We, too, have learned - and we have to do it - about our partners with an open mind. Our mutual openness strengthens our ability and strengthens our commitment to work together.

The alliance and Ukraine are now ready to take the process a significant step forward. Together, our aim is to make a real, substantive contribution to cooperative security in the Euro-Atlantic area. The NATO-Ukraine Charter now needs to be implemented - implemented steadily and implemented to the fullest. The partnership will grow by making the greatest possible use of the new mechanisms that it provides. ...

PRESIDENT CLINTON: ... From the four quarters of our alliance, we have come to Madrid to build a new Europe, where old divides are bridged by new ties of friendship and cooperation; where we recognize no spheres of influence, but instead the influence of shared ideals. Today, we take another step toward that new Europe with the signing of this charter between a new NATO and a democratic Ukraine.

From the moment we declared this goal last fall, all have worked hard toward this day. I thank President Kuchma for his vision and courage in leading his great nation down the path of reform. I also thank Secretary General Solana for his efforts on behalf of our alliance.

This charter launches a closer relationship between NATO and Ukraine that will benefit both. It lays a foundation for consultation and cooperation. It welcomes Ukraine as our partner in building an undivided Europe.

Over the last two months, Ukraine's bold steps have made this continent more stable and more secure through its treaty of friendship and cooperation with Russia, its border agreement with Romania, its declaration of reconciliation with Poland. Now an open dialogue and joint activities with NATO will help Ukraine solidify reform and strengthen stability throughout Europe.

This charter reflects and reinforces the way this continent has changed. Ukraine has emerged from a century of struggle to pursue the highest standards of dignity and freedom. It is tackling tough economic reform. It has been a leader in reducing the nuclear danger. It has embarked on a course of peaceful integration with the community of democracies.

NATO also has evolved to meet these new times - with new missions, new members, a stronger Partnership for Peace, and now new partners, with Russia and, of course, today with Ukraine.

Today, Europe's security is not a matter of competition, but of cooperation on behalf of common goals. It is natural for Ukraine to reach out to NATO and for NATO to do the same, helping to secure Ukraine firmly in the heart of a new, undivided democratic Europe.

May the charter we sign today be just the opening page in a long history of unity, partnership and peace that NATO and Ukraine will write together.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 20, 1997, No. 29, Vol. LXV

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