Miami parish hosts visitation by holy woman

by Msgr. John P. Stevensky

MIAMI - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Miami was blessed by the June 23 visitation of Myrna Nazzour, the holy woman of Damascus, Syria, and her spiritual director, the Rev. Elias Zahlaoui.

The church overflowed with people and included many in wheelchairs as well as 27 sisters of Mother Theresa's Order. Many in the crowd had to remain on the walkways and parking lot of the church, as we all listened attentively to Myrna's words from Our Lady and Jesus about love and unity within our churches.

She spoke in English and the Rev. Omar Huesca of St. Robert Bellarmine Church translated into Spanish for the many Latin Americans present. After speaking, Myrna prayed before the Icon of Our Lady and suddenly oil began to flow from her hands with which she anointed every person attending.

This blessed and holy event began with a three-and-a-half-hour divine liturgy celebrated by the pastor of the church, Msgr. John P. Stevensky, along with Abbot Gregory F. G. Wendt and the Rev. Damian of the Holy Cross Byzantine Monastery, the Rev. Huesca, the Rev. Jorge Perales of St. Barbara's Church, the Rev. Jose Lopes of St. Kevin's Church, the Rev. Frank Eles of Boynton Beach and the Rev. Basil Krayniak of the Byzantine Rite.

Approximately 600 faithful received the Holy Eucharist in the Eastern Ukrainian Rite.

Msgr. Stevensky expressed gratitude to Bishop Robert M. Moskal for extending, on his behalf, the invitation that made this visit to Miami possible.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 27, 1997, No. 30, Vol. LXV

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