by Myron B. Kuropas

A Jewish renaissance in Ukraine?

On August 26 The New York Times published a full-page ad sponsored by the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress titled, "Can You Name the World's Fourth Largest Jewish Community?"

The answer is "Ukraine. Historic home to one of the world's largest communities," the ad explained. "And - with 550,000 Jews - still the fourth largest Jewish community after the U.S., Israel, and Russia."

What's going on here? Do you mean all Jews from Ukraine aren't "Russian Jews" as I have been informed, ad nauseam, by some American Jews for years and years?

The ad continued. "For centuries the home of the greatest names in science, philosophy, literature, music - all of them Jewish." All of them? I don't think so. Some perhaps, but surely not "all."

"Ukraine. Homeland of Odessa, Kiev, Zhitomir, Dnipropetrovsk. All cities with unparalleled contributions to Jewish civilization, and Jewish contributions to civilization as a whole." How can that be? Aren't Ukrainians supposed to be "genetically anti-Semitic"? Haven't pogroms killed "hundreds of thousands" of Jews? Didn't Hitler make Ukraine Judenfrei? Is it possible that there were enough Jews left in Ukraine after all that to contribute to the civilization of the whole world?

The ad continues to laud Jewish life. "Ukraine. Where a renaissance in Jewish life is taking place. Old synagogues are being reclaimed, new ones being built, Jewish day schools are bursting at the seams. Jewish summer camps and youth clubs are drawing thousands of children. The faith of our ancestors is being reinvigorated with each passing day." Really? You mean "60 Minutes" and the venerable Simon Wiesenthal were wrong in 1994? What happened? If things were as bad for Jews in Ukraine as Morely Safer told America they were, one would expect that all Ukrainian Jews would be in Israel or the United States by now.

This is no time for Jewish complacency, however, the ad informs us. "The pages of Ukrainian history run red with Jewish blood: medieval genocide, pogroms on the eve of the revolution, Babi Yar in World War II, and the rabid anti-Semitism of the Soviet regime ... With the demise of Soviet communism and the liberation of Ukraine, the situation has improved significantly." They still don't get it! Ukraine ran "red with Jewish blood" when the Ukrainians were not in control of their state. Today, Ukrainians are in charge and guess what: a Jewish renaissance.

Blaming poor living conditions and certain "mass distribution journals of various nationalistic organizations" that "publish articles calling for pogroms and featuring Hitler's portrait alongside quotes from 'Mein Kampf,'" the advertisement mentions that Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine forbids mass media from stirring ethnic hatred and population violence. I haven't seen any of these journals, but if such anti-Semitic tabloids do exist, they should be scorned by all Ukrainians. Ukraine has enough problems without having some nationalist neanderthals spitting in our soup. People who publish such rubbish are hate-mongers who damage the Ukrainian cause.

The New York Times ad, sponsored by the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, praised the current Ukrainian national government and asked American Jews to support it. "The All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress believes the Jewish community cannot prosper if the society as a whole does not prosper. The key to a viable Jewish future is a viable economy for the nation as a whole. Achieving this will take the elimination of discriminatory trade barriers in order to attract investors and focus attention on the problems of Ukrainian Jewry and the over-all Ukrainian population. ... If American Jews don't care about their Ukrainian Jewish brothers and sisters, why should anyone else?"

American Jews were urged to contact the White House, Congress, the Ukrainian Embassy and the Ukrainian Consulate (phone numbers were provided) to "let them know that the American people are aware of what is going on and are expecting concrete measures to insure genuine support for Ukraine - support which will enable it to become economically independent and a land of opportunity for the growth and security of the Jewish community." Readers were also urged to visit Ukraine to "witness the incredible renaissance of Jewish life in historic cities and communities that had been given up for lost." A phone number (380-44-216-97-78) for the Ukrainian National Tourist Office in Kyiv was listed.

A phone number (380-44-224-16-61) was provided also for the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, headed by Vadim Rabinovich, identified as "one of the Ukraine's most prominent business leaders." Intrigued, I called, and the number I reached belonged to an English-speaking individual who was quite miffed by the many phone calls he had received from Jews all over the United States. "I'm not Jewish," he informed me quite firmly, "and I've never heard of Vadim Rabinovich or the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress."

Although I wasn't able to reach Mr. Rabinovich, others, including staff of UNA publications, were able to reach the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress at the number listed.

I then called the Ukrainian National Tourist Office. A woman answered in Russian but quickly switched to Ukrainian. Yes, she knew of Mr. Vadim Rabinovich. No, she couldn't give me his phone number. Yes, she could take my "coordinates" and pass them along. Mr. Rabinovich never responded, so I called twice more. The same lady answered and very politely informed me that there was nothing more that she could do. It's been a week since I've called and I haven't heard a thing.

Over all, the advertisement deserves a C plus. "The key to a viable Jewish future is a viable economy for the nation as a whole," the ad declared. This suggests that Jews in Ukraine are rallying in support of an economically strong Ukraine and, given their influence in the United States, that is a positive development.

Some cynical Ukrainians don't agree with me. Their argument is that Jews are taking over in Ukraine and that businessmen like Mr. Rabinovich want to protect their investment with self-serving ads. More power to them, I say. If Ukrainian Jews are investing in Ukraine, that's good for all the people of Ukraine.

I plan to continue my efforts to contact Mr. Rabinovich and give him and his organization the benefit of the doubt. Should I have a change of heart, you, my faithful readers, will be the first to know.

Myron Kuropas' e-mail address is: [email protected]

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 14, 1997, No. 37, Vol. LXV

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