Conference seeks papers on Ukrainians in Canada and U.S.

TORONTO - "Ukrainians in Canada and The United States: Cross-Border Interaction and Comparative Experiences, 1890s-1990s," is the title of a conference scheduled for Toronto on October 29-31,1998.

The conference is co-sponsored by the Ukrainian-Canadian Program, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta; and the Robert F. Harney Professorship and Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies at the University of Toronto.

Organizers are inviting proposals for papers on all topics related to the Ukrainian Canadian and Ukrainian American experiences over the last 100 years. Particularly encouraged are presentations of a cross-border and comparative nature, or the submission of complete panels that as a package examine a common theme in both countries.

Organizers expressed hope that the conference will not only stimulate new research, but also help to identify and explain similarities and differences between Ukrainian life in Canada and Ukrainian life in the United States.

Grant applications are being made for financial support of the conference, including travel and other costs for participants. Submissions from the academic, graduate student and Ukrainian cultural-political communities are welcome. The deadline for proposals, accompanied by a 250-word abstract, is December 20.

Copies should be sent to each address following: Dr. Frances Swyripa, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 352 Athabasca Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2E8 Canada; fax, (403) 492-4967; e-mail, [email protected]; and Dr. Wsevolod Isajiw, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, 203 College St.,Toronto, Ontario M5T 1P9; fax, (416) 978-3963, e-mail, [email protected]

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 21, 1997, No. 38, Vol. LXV

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