Kyiv to charge toll on entry into city

Eastern Economist

KYIV - The Kyiv City Administration, headed by Oleksander Omelchenko plans to introduce a fee of 1 hrv for cars and 3 hrv for trucks for entering the city, the City Administration confirmed on August 7. Toll check points will be introduced at the Ovruch, Kovel, Zhytomyr, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Chernihiv highways leading to the capital city.

The project was proposed by the American corporation Style BANKORP, which specializes in large investment projects. The checkpoints will also inspect the environmental conditions of vehicles entering Kyiv.

Style BANKORP will invest 138 million hrv in the construction of checkpoints with the first due to be opened in 12 to 14 months' time. The system will include a computer tracking system to monitor the movements of vehicles.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 5, 1997, No. 40, Vol. LXV

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