Journal devotes issue to current situation in Ukraine

NEW YORK - The most recent issue (August 1997) of Analysis of Current Events, a publication of the Association for the Studies of Nationalities, was a special issue devoted exclusively to the current situation in Ukraine.

It was co-sponsored by the Shevchenko Scientific Society of America, and its editorial committee (Anna Procyk, Ivan Fizer, Wolodymyr Stojko, Martha Trofimenko, Swiatoslaw Trofimenko and Ivan Koropeckyj), coordinated by Larissa Onyshkevych, participated in the editorial process.

The articles in the journal cover a broad spectrum of problems and were written by top specialists in the area. They include "Ukraine's Painful Economic Transition" by Jeffrey Sachs and Alexander Pivovarsky of Harvard University; "The Geopolitical Situation of Ukraine at Present and in the Future" by Ambassador Yuri Shcherbak; "Ukraine's Russian Minority and Russia's Ukrainian Policies" by Marion Recktenwald of the University of Maryland; "Ukraine and Its National Security" by Carlos Pascual of the National Security Council; "Kulhlra: Bridging Ukrainian-Polish Relations" by Roman Szporluk of Harvard University; and "Are the Two Partners Equal?" by Stanislav Lazebnyk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

These authors take a hard, but not pessimistic, look at the current situation in Ukraine. Some of their conclusions are mirrored by the editor-in-chief, Lowell Barrington of Marquette University, who noted in his editorial, titled "Spotlight on Ukraine," that "The contradictions of Ukraine remain between its reality and its potential. It is one of the most important of the post-Communist states, but only with serious reform (and significant pain), will Ukraine develop a post-Communist normalcy with a viable, competitive economy."

Copies of the issue are available from: Association for the Study of Nationalities, 700 Broadway, Second Floor, New York, NY 10003; telephone, (212) 824-4135.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 5, 1997, No. 40, Vol. LXV

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