Krovytska returns for fifth season with the New York City Opera

NEW YORK - Ukrainian soprano Oksana Krovytska, a favorite of audiences in the U.S. and Europe, returns to the New York City Opera this season for her fifth consecutive year as leading soprano to sing Musetta in "La Bohème" on November 18, 21, and 23, and the title role in Puccini's "Madama Butterfly," her favorite role, on March 8,12, 15, 24 and 27, 1998.

Ms. Krovytska makes her debut, with the Brooklyn Philharmonic at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on October 31 where she will appear with pianist Mykola Suk in a program of works by Mahler and Shostakovich.

On December 2 she will sing in a Rachmaninoff, Martinu and Szymanovsky recital at Carnegie's Weill Hall.

Subsequently Ms. Krovytska will be in Germany to sing in a Christmas concert with the North German Radio in Hannover.

Ms. Krovytska has also been reinvited to the Kamptal Festival in Gars, Austria, as Mimi in Puccini's "La Bohème" in the summer of 1998.

Ms. Krovytska's appearance on September 26-28 with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra and CSO Chorus, where she sang the solo aria "Inflammatus" in Rossini's "Stabat Mater" and performed in duet and ensemble with other soloists - mezzo soprano Marcia Ragonetti, tenor Francisco Casanova and baritone Kevin Deas - was reviewed in the Denver press.

Commenting on the overall excellence of the program and the superb performance of Rossini's masterwork at the opening concert of the CSO classical season, the Denver Post (September 27) asserted that the "four vocal soloists were among the best Denver has heard." It went on to note that "Both soprano Oksana Krovytska in the 'Inflammatus' and mezzo Marcia Ragonetti in the 'Fac ut portem' conveyed the passion of Mary, mother of the crucified Christ, in their singing ... ."

The Rocky Mountain News (September 27), in a piece titled "CSO weaves daring masterpiece," noted that the concert was "decidedly not business as usual, as Alsop led the CSO, four excellent solists and the superb CSO Chorus in Rossini's 'Stabat Mater.'" In characterizing individual solo performances, the reviewer wrote that "soprano Oksana Krovytska soared majestically in the 'Inflammatus.'"

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 12, 1997, No. 41, Vol. LXV

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