Six teams compete in Wildwood triples volleyball tournament

WILDWOOD CREST, N.J. - The Plast sorority Spartanky held its annual co-ed triples beach volleyball tournament here on August 23. Six teams of volleyball players from the Plast and SUM-A youth organizations competed during this popular weekend gathering of Ukrainians on the Jersey Shore.

The first-place winner was the team of Marianne Diachenko, Andre Olexy and Mark Dulyn. Second place was won by the team of Lida Mykytyn, Alexander Hladky and Nick Tymchenko. Third place was taken by the team of Vera Kaminsky, Boris Chabursky, and Mark and Adrian Chraplyvy.

The beautiful weather attracted hundreds of Ukrainian youths from the United States and Canada to the beach in front of the Pan Am Hotel. Activities in addition to the volleyball tournament included swimming, tanning, soccer and horseshoe matches.

Beach lovers and tournament spectators wrapped up the day at a barbecue organized by the Chornomortsi Plast fraternity and a dance featuring the music of Na Zdorovia (To Your Health) at the VFW Hall sponsored by the Ukrainian American Youth Association (SUM-A).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 12, 1997, No. 41, Vol. LXV

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