FOR THE RECORD: Embassy's statement responding to Lazarenko

Following is the full text of a statement issued on November 12 by the Press Service of the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States.

Several Russian-language newspapers in Ukraine have disseminated information about the visit to the United States of the former prime minister of Ukraine, Pavlo Lazarenko. Quoting Michael Sawkiw Jr., director of the Ukrainian National Information Service in Washington, these publications alleged that the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States attempted to impede Pavlo Lazarenko's meetings with U.S. officials and the Ukrainian community, and presented a distorted picture of the Embassy's activities, claiming that for the last two to three years, "98 Embassy employees and the Consulate General in New York have practically not worked even with the Ukrainian diaspora." Although Mr. Sawkiw categorically rebuffed these allegations during his meeting with Ambassador Yuri Shcherbak, the Embassy would like to further clarify this issue.

The Embassy made no attempts whatsoever to prevent Mr. Lazarenko's planned meetings. Moreover, it is the Embassy's policy to assist all Ukrainian politicians, regardless of their political orientation, when they come to Washington. The Embassy represents Ukraine, not any political forces within it.

We resolutely reject any attempts to place the Ukrainian Embassy in juxtaposition to the Ukrainian community in the U.S. The Embassy and Ukrainian American public associations differ in their tasks, functions and possibilities. The Embassy serves to expand a mutually advantageous relationship between Ukraine and the U.S. in various fields, including political, military, commercial, scientific and technological cooperation. It works to provide a legal basis for such cooperation and offers necessary assistance to Ukrainian citizens in the U.S. The mere fact that Ukrainian-U.S. relations were upgraded to the level of a strategic partnership speaks for itself.

In this diverse and multifaceted round-the-clock work, the Embassy has enjoyed support from Ukrainian Americans who have always cooperated with the Embassy's undersized staff. Every impartial observer familiar with the situation can confirm the enormous number of events organized by the Embassy for the Ukrainian community and with the Ukrainian community.

The very idea that 20 diplomats, including the office of military attaché, trade mission and consular department, should "work" with nearly a million Ukrainian Americans is not very sound. The Embassy values its relationship with Ukrainian Americans, and is always open to cooperation for the sake of an independent, secure, democratic and prosperous Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 16, 1997, No. 46, Vol. LXV

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