Ukrainian Gift of Life helps ailing children

GLEN ROCK, N.J. - The Ukrainian Gift of Life Inc., a member-organization of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America that has brought eight children to the U.S. for heart surgery since June, released a letter from the mother of a child whose life was saved.

Her son arrived from Ukraine listless, malnourished and clingy. Doctors in the U.S. performed surgery, and now, his mother reports, he runs all day and eats all she puts in front of him. "When it's time to go to bed, he still wants to run around," she writes.

She also passed along a message from the boy's grandfather to all who contributed to saving his life: "Thank you for the gift of life you have given to my grandson. I would give my life to help you if you ever needed it!"

Three children are currently in America for surgery, Stepan Boyko, 5, has already had surgery and is doing fine. Vyacheslav Piskunov, 6, and Oleg Guch, 13, are scheduled for surgery in November.

Ukrainian Gift of Life Inc. provides for the air transportation from Ukraine for a parent and the child. While the child is in the hospital, the organization ensures that a translator is available when needed. Additionally, the group gives the mother and child spiritual support as well as logistical support for the host family.

Rotary International Clubs in New Jersey raise funds for the operation, and provide a host family and organize local transportation, and the Ukrainian Gift of Life supplements their efforts when necessary.

Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., the site of all operations thus far, charges a nominal amount and has provided outstanding medical, technical and nursing care.

Being in the presence of the children, who would not have hope for a normal life if not for this program, can be heart-wrenching. One such moment was reported by a translator. A 4-year-old boy, hard to please, obviously in pain and suffering discomfort the day after surgery, turned to his mother, touched her hand and said, "Forgive me, mother, for not being as good as I should. My body hurts today. Tomorrow I will be a better boy."

Six more children are being evaluated by the Montefiore staff, and reports are being prepared in Ukraine on an additional 12 children. There is an immediate need for funds to cover costs of air transportation and other needs of the next group of children. Tax-deductible contributions can be sent to: Ukrainian Gift of Life Inc., Suite 333, 233 Rock Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07451.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 23, 1997, No. 47, Vol. LXV

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