The donors, their pledges

The following countries contributed to the Chornobyl Shelter Fund during a pledging conference held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City on November 20. A minimum contribution of 2.5 million ECU ($2.75 million U.S.) gives the donor-government a vote in the Contributors Assembly, which will convene annually to determine project implementation. The list was made available by Carol Kessler, senior coordinator for nuclear safety at the State Department and chairman of the G-7 nuclear safety working group.

 Denmark  2.5 million ECU
 Norway  $5 million
 Finland  2.5 million ECU
 Austria  2.5 million ECU
 Greece  2.5 million ECU
 Sweden  2.5 million ECU
 Ireland  2.5 million ECU
 Netherlands  2.5 million ECU
 Switzerland  $4.6 million
 Spain  $3 million
 Kuwait  $4 million
 Israel  $200,000
 Luxembourg  $200,000

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 30, 1997, No. 48, Vol. LXV

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