Historical background of the UABA

Twenty years ago, on September 23-24, 1977, the first national convention of Ukrainian American lawyers took place in Cleveland. Fifty-one attorneys from 13 states attended this convention, for the specific purpose of organizing the Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA), the first national association of Ukrainian American lawyers, and to commence work on a national level.

This conference was prepared through the efforts of an organizational committee consisting of Viktor Rud, George Pazuniak, Jurij Stepanenko and others. The convention was greeted by UCCA Cleveland Branch President Bohdan Futey; Andrew Boyko, mayor of Parma; John O. Flis, on behalf of the UCCA and the Ukrainian National Association; and Yaroslaw Padoch of the Scientific Society of Shevchenko. In addition, greetings were sent by the president of the Society of Ukrainian Attorneys in the U.S., W. Sawchak, and were also delivered by Mr. Borowsky, president of the Michigan Ukrainian American Bar Association.

At this founding conference, Mr. Pazuniak enumerated the reasons for establishing the national Ukrainian American Bar Association: the desire to work more closely with the Ukrainian community and its organizations, and to stand in defense of Ukrainian brethren fighting for a better future in Soviet-dominated Ukraine. It was noted that if U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark could stand in defense of dissidents in Ukraine, then Ukrainian American lawyers of the "free world" should even more vigorously undertake the task.

These thoughts were echoed by Messrs. Rud and Mr. Stepanenko, who stressed the importance of working closely with the Society of Ukrainian Attorneys in New York, which united former jurists from Ukraine and published the journal "Legal News."

The conference was also attended by Canadian jurists Jurij Danyliw, Ihor Bardyn and Orest Rudzik.

The first elected board of governors of the UABA (which was divided into six districts) consisted of: Nestor Olesnycky, Mr. Pazuniak, Wolodymyr Anastas, Mr. Borowsky, Taras Modny and Mr. Stepanenko (who was chosen as the board's first chairman). Andrij Steckiw was selected as the law student representative.

The first elected officers of the UABA were as follows: Victor Borowsky, president; Wolodymyr Bazarko, vice-president; Zenon Forowych, corresponding secretary; Ivan Shandor, recording secretary; and Dennis Grunyk, treasurer.

The convention addressed issues such as the representation of dissidents, particularly Ukrainian dissidents, in the Soviet Union, as well as non-testamentary and testamentary dispositions to individuals in the Soviet Union.

Dr. Padoch noted that during Ukraine's history Ukrainian jurists had played a significant role in the renaissance of the Ukrainian nation and in its defense at times of occupation. He stressed the need for contemporary jurists to continue in this role.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 4, 1998, No. 1, Vol. LXVI

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