Young UNA'ers

Alexa Gabrielle Ben, daughter of Christina and Volodymyr Ben, is a new member of UNA Branch 220 in Chicago. She was enrolled by her grandparents Olha and Ivan Kosar.

Alexander Andreas Zharovsky, son of Andrea Porytko and Vadim Zharovsky, is a new member of UNA Branch 216 in Philadelphia. He was enrolled by his great-grandmother Anaztazia Sabata.

Alexander Luka Mostovych, son of Marko and Rhonda Mostovych, is a new member of UNA Branch 417 in Jeffersonville, Ind. He was enrolled by his grandparents Leonid and Oksana Mostovych.

Tomas Kevin Mazzeo, 3, and his younger sister, Cortney Mary, are the children of Tom Mazzeo and Luise Kulka. They were enrolled into UNA Branch 163 in Philadelphia by their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Dmytro Kulka.

Markian Plawiuk, son of Roman and Lesia Plawiuk, is a new member of UNA Branch 434 in Montreal. He was enrolled by his grandfather Myron Plawiuk.

Maya Mileca Luciw, daughter of Andrew and Teri Luciw, is a new member of UNA Branch 385 in Minneapolis. She was enrolled by her grandparents Maria and Slawomyr Luciw.

Stefania Cora Zauner, daughter of Lesia Zauner, is a new member of UNA Branch 292 in Detroit. She was enrolled by her grandparents Stefan and Stefania Maryliw.

Branch 172 elects officers

WHIPPANY, N.J. - Ukrainian National Association Branch 172, the Ivan Franko Society, held elections of branch officers in November 1997.

Sixty-three members participated in the elections. The following were elected: Dr. Ivan Pelech, president; Vasyl Osadchuk, vice-president; Stephan Kosonocky, secretary; Longin Staruch, assistant secretary; Dr. Walter Baziuk, auditing committee.

The branch also elected its delegate to the 34th UNA Convention to be held in May in Toronto. Mr. Staruch was elected to serve as delegate, while Mr. Kosonocky was voted as the alternate delegate.

Members of Branch 172 may call Mr. Kosonocky, (973) 887-7730, or Mr. Staruch, (800) 673-5150, in regard to UNA matters.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 11, 1998, No. 2, Vol. LXVI

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