EPCOT gives green light to Ukrainian pavilion project

by Natalia Warren
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. - Taras (Jason) Harper, president of the Ukrainian Project Fund and an employee of Walt Disney World, has been given the green light by EPCOT Vice-President George Kalogridis to spearhead the EPCOT Millennium Celebration - Ukraine Initiative. However, Mr. Harper may be running out of time as a February 1 Disney-imposed deadline approaches.

From October 1999 until January 2001, the EPCOT theme park, part of the 44-square-mile Walt Disney World complex, will host an enormous Millennium Celebration with the educational entertainment ("edu-tainment") theme of "Hope for a Better World." Joining the current display of countries in EPCOT will be dozens of new pavilions that will showcase the many different aspects of each nation in support of the overall theme.

The pavilions, which will average approximately 3,000 square feet and will include food, entertainment, artisans, and audio-visual , architectural and interactive displays, are estimated to cost between $800,000 and $2 million each.

"Ukraine is the only former Soviet bloc country that has been approached to participate in EPCOT's millennium celebration," noted Mr. Harper. "Our dancing surpasses that of virtually every other ethnic group. We have beautiful folk art and a distinctive cuisine. Our homeland and our culture would be interesting to people everywhere, and this is a wonderful opportunity for the Ukrainian people to put on a display for the entire world," he added.

An estimated 400 to 500 million people will be exposed to the pavilion structures. Michael Eisner, chairman of the board and CEO of the Walt Disney Co., has mandated that all branches of the Walt Disney Co. be focused on EPCOT for the entire 15 months of the Millennium Celebration. These branches include ABC Television, the Arts and Entertainment Network, the Discovery Channel and ESPN, among others.

According to Mr. Harper, the Walt Disney Co. and Mr. Kalogridis would very much like to see Ukraine represented at this Millennium Celebration. In a letter sent to potential corporate sponsors, Mr. Harper noted that, "of all the Slavic nations, there is perhaps no greater example of explosive growth potential and intellectual excellence than Ukraine. And as Disney turns its focus on the counties that will provide hope for a better world, Ukraine would be an ideal choice," he added.

But time may be running out. The Disney Co. has set a February 1 deadline for a letter of intent and a security deposit from all corporations that will be sponsoring pavilions. The early deadline will enable Disney's producers, engineers and architects to partner with the various sponsors in designing the pavilions.

"We have sent letters to companies that already have corporate alliances with the Disney Co., as well as to American companies that have divisions in Ukraine," noted Mr. Harper. "To date none of these organizations has come forth as a potential sponsor of a Ukrainian pavilion," he added.

Consequently, as the February 1 deadline approaches, Mr. Harper has noted that he will follow any potential lead and speak with any potential sponsor. "It would have been great to have had the support of a Coca-Cola or a McDonald's, but there is no reason why we can't go with a private company or an individual who understands the value of this type of pavilion."

Mr. Harper may be reached at (407) 427-4982 or via e-mail at home, [email protected], or at the office, [email protected]

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 18, 1998, No. 3, Vol. LXVI

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