Kuchma administration cites foreign policy success

Embassy of Ukraine

WASHINGTON - The intensity and results of President Leonid Kuchma's 1997 foreign policy were unprecedented, said Volodymyr Ogryzko, head of the Presidential Administration's Foreign Policy Department, at a news briefing here on January 9.

In Mr. Ogryzko's words, 1997 was the year in which Ukraine received recognition as an influential Central-Eastern European nation with an open, pragmatic and predictable foreign policy. Among Ukraine's achievements in this context, Mr. Ogryzko named the improvement of relations with the country's neighbors, namely Romania, Poland and Russia.

He added that the main issues of contention with Russia were resolved, while documents were signed and negotiations were held creating the conditions necessary for the commencement of a new stage in Ukrainian-Russian relations.

The Ukrainian-U.S. strategic partnership was formalized in 1997, an agreement on distinctive partnership was signed with NATO, and the Ukraine-European Union summit was held in Kyiv. Mr. Ogryzko reminded journalists that the Ukrainian-European Union Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation is due to come into force this year. He also disclosed that it was stated at a recent U.S.-European Union conference that Ukraine has a chance of being admitted into the European Union. He said that Ukraine's admission into the EU will not take place within the next two to five years.

Mr. Ogryzko said President Kuchma's emphasis on economic matters pertaining to Ukraine's foreign policy began yielding its first results in 1997. This was reflected not only in the number of new agreements signed, but in the implementation of previously signed agreements, particularly those on mutual protection of investments, avoidance of double taxation, etc.

Mr. Ogryzko also disclosed that President Kuchma plans to shift the emphasis in his foreign policy activities in 1998. In contrast to 1997, when the president actively participated in international forums and embarked on several state and official visits to other countries, he is expected to host several heads of government this year.

He disclosed that the dignitaries expected to visit Ukraine in the first half of this year include the presidents of Germany, Uzbekistan, Finland and Portugal, and Austria's federal chancellor. Potential visits to Ukraine by the president of Turkey and Germany's federal chancellor are presently being worked out. Preparations are under way for a possible visit to Ukraine by the U.S. secretary of state, the president of France and the prime minister of Japan.

Mr. Ogryzko reported that President Kuchma is to participate in the annual conference of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is scheduled for Kyiv in May, as well as the second full meeting of the Kuchma-Gore Commission, which also will be held in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 18, 1998, No. 3, Vol. LXVI

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