Kulchytsky named to Historical Society

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Gov. George V. Voinovich recently announced the appointment of George P. Kulchytsky, a Republican from Parma, to the Ohio Historical Society board of trustees for a term ending in September 2000.

The Ohio Historical Society board of trustees established and maintains the state museum. It collects historical documents and other objects deemed to be of historical significance for preservation and public display.

Dr. Kulchytsky currently serves as a professor of Soviet and East European history at Youngstown State University. He is a member of the Ohio Academy of History, the Ukrainian Historical Association, the Association of Ukrainian American Professors and the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.

He is a well-known activist in various nationality and fraternal organizations, including the American Nationalities Movement and the United Ukrainian Organizations of Greater Cleveland, which he has served as vice-president.

"Dr. Kulchytsky brings a wealth of valuable professional experience, personal expertise and knowledge of Ohio diversity to his appointed position. Our nationality community is proud that Gov. Voinovich appointed him. He is a role model for future generations," said August B. Pust, special assistant to the governor for multicultural affairs and international relations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 18, 1998, No. 3, Vol. LXVI

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