Woonsocket hosts St. Nicholas visit

by Ivanna Hanushevsky

WOONSOCKET, R.I. - St. Nicholas visited children in Woonsocket, R.I., in the parish hall of St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church on December 7, 1997.

Janet Bardell, the UNA Branch 241 representative, was in charge of the refreshments and gifts for children.

Msgr. Roman Golemba greeted the participants from a decorated stage with the story of the bishop of Myra and the origin of St. Nicholas Feast Day gift-giving.

St. Nicholas arrived dressed in the traditional robes of the bishop of Myra, accompanied by two angels. Dr. Michael Klufas served as liaison with the special guest.

Ivan Tkach entertained the audience by playing Christmas music, and Marko Tkach read a poem. The children sang Christmas carols and received gifts.

Carolers greeted at UNA headquarters

Students, teachers and supporters of the Lesia Ukrainka School of Ukrainian Studies in Morris County, N.J., which holds classes at a local public school in Parsippany, N.J., paid a holiday visit to their new neighbors at the corporate headquarters of the Ukrainian National Association on December 31, 1997, bringing glad tidings of Christmas and the New Year. Seen above are the carolers as they performed before an assembly of UNA, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly employees. Proceeds from the "koliada" went to the Dollar Fund for Ukraine, which supports social services in that country.

Announcement regarding convention delegates

The announcement of the 34th Regular Convention of the UNA was published in the January 6 issue of Svoboda and the January 11 issue of The Ukrainian Weekly. The secretary of the Ukrainian National Association, Martha Lysko, hereby notifies all branches and branch officers that, in accordance with UNA By-laws, the election of delegates and alternate delegates must be held within 60 days of the date of the publication of the announcement of the convention, i.e. March 6.

In January 1998 branch secretaries will receive credentials for delegates and alternates, that is two copies for each delegate and alternate. The proper number of credentials will be mailed according to the number of voting members in good standing of the branch as of December 31,1997, which entitles the branch to delegates.

A list of the names and addresses of secretaries of the branches with less than 75 voting members in good standing will be published in Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. This list also will be sent to secretaries of these branches to give them the opportunity to agree with other branches about uniting to elect a common delegate. No more than two branches can unite to elect one common delegate and one alternate.

Branches that agree to unite should immediately notify Martha Lysko at the Home Office. After such notices of agreement to unite are received from both uniting branches, they will receive the credentials for one delegate and one alternate. Completed and signed credentials of delegates and alternates must be sent to the Recording Department no later than 10 days after the election. One copy of each of the credentials should be sent to the Home Office, and the second copy should be given to the delegates to be brought to the convention. When an alternate will attend the convention in place of the delegate, he should be given alternate credentials to present to the Credentials Committee at the convention.

All credentials of delegates and alternates received on time will be verified and approved by the Executive Committee. The list of delegates and alternates will be published together with the program of the convention in Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly no later than 30 days before the start of the convention. In preparation for the convention it is important that all members of the General Assembly send their reports to the UNA secretary no later than March 20.

The 34th Convention of the UNA will be held beginning on May 15 at the Toronto Hilton in Toronto, Canada. The Executive Committee urges all UNA branch secretaries, branch officers and the UNA membership to increase organizing efforts and to take an active role in the election of delegates to our convention.

Every four years our organization meets at its regular convention to examine our past and to set goals for the future. It is important to elect delegates who will be unafraid to make difficult and sometimes unpopular choices. If we are to meet the challenges of the 21st century and continue to be a viable fraternal society serving our Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadian community, we must be willing to adapt and keep pace with the ever-changing industry and times.

- Martha Lysko, Secretary

Mission Statement

The Ukrainian National Association exists:

As a fraternal insurance society, the Ukrainian National Association reinvests its earnings for the benefit of its members and the Ukrainian community.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 18, 1998, No. 3, Vol. LXVI

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