Wayne State U. program focuses on Eastern European business

DETROIT - The School of Business Administration at Wayne State University was awarded a U.S. Department of Education grant in the spring of 1997 for the development of the Interdisciplinary Program in Eastern European Business. The grant proposal was a collaborative effort between the School of Business Administration and the department of German and Slavic studies at Wayne State.

One of the primary objectives of the Eastern European business program is to prepare globally competent professionals who will position the United States to compete more effectively in today's dynamic world economy. Three educational requirements are addressed by the program in reaching this objective.

The first is to develop a cadre of culturally prepared professionals in American business, government and educational institutions who are capable of addressing U.S. emerging interdependence with nations that have been relatively neglected.

The second requirement is to focus on Eastern European cultures and languages, given the key strategic role that Eastern Europe will play in the political stability and economic progress of the post-Cold War world.

The final requirement is to strengthen the bonds across disciplines as part of fortifying WSU's internationalization initiative.

Winter 1998 courses offered at Wayne State University in the Eastern European Business Program will include: The Changing Face of Eastern Europe, taught by Profs. Vera Andrushkiw and A. Klin-Norris; Business in Transition in the Emerging Republics taught by Profs. Andrushkiw and Attila Yaprak; and Internship in Eastern European Business, supervised by Prof Andrushkiw and J. Wagster.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 18, 1998, No. 3, Vol. LXVI

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