Colleagues bid farewell to Khristina Lew

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - Colleagues bid farewell on Friday, January 23, to Khristina Lew, assistant editor of The Ukrainian Weekly, on her last day with the UNA's English-language publication. Ms. Lew has resigned from The Weekly's editorial staff to take on the position of director of public relations for "Focus: Ukraine," a get-the-vote-out effort led by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

The UCCA project is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development through the Eurasia Foundation. The civic education program will target Ukrainian youth through town-hall-style meetings with candidates, a weekly television program, an interactive website, and public service announcements to be broadcast on radio and TV.

Ms. Lew left for Kyiv, where the "Focus: Ukraine" project will be headquartered, on January 27.

Ms. Lew, who holds a B.A. in English from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., and previously was employed by NKM Associates as a public relations associate, joined The Weekly staff on November 26, 1990. Three months later she was named an assistant editor at the paper.

In the November of 1991, while on a three-week leave from The Weekly, Ms. Lew participated in the "Aktyv Voli" campaign in Ukraine's eastern oblasts, which was aimed at promoting support for Ukrainian independence in preparation for the December 1, 1991, referendum.

Ms. Lew served three tours of duty at the Ukrainian National Association's Kyiv Press Bureau: August through October 1992, July through September 1995 and mid-July through August 1997.

A farewell reception for Ms. Lew in The Ukrainian Weekly's conference room was attended by fellow staffers, as well as editors of the Svoboda Ukrainian-language daily newspaper and employees of the newspapers' print shop and administration.

Ms. Lew was presented with framed copies of the first and last issues of The Weekly that she had worked on during her seven years with the newspaper, as well as with a framed reproduction of the news story that first announced her appointment to The Weekly staff.

Words of farewell were offered by Roma Hadzewycz, editor-in-chief, and Irene Jarosewich, a fellow staffer. A hearty (but very off-key) "Mnohaya Lita" was sung by all present.

Toronto committee plans concert, banquet for 34th UNA Convention

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - For the first time in its 104-year history, the Ukrainian National Association will hold its convention in Canada. The 34th Regular Convention of the UNA will take place May 15-19 in Toronto.

The local Convention Committee, which is chaired by the Rev. Myron Stasiw, an advisor of the UNA, met in Toronto on Sunday, December 28, 1997, to make further plans for the quadrennial convention. Committee members examined the task before them and adopted a plan of action.

Present at the meeting were chairpersons of the Convention Committee's subcommittees: Wasyl Didiuk, press; Yaroslava Zorych, concert; Anna Burij, banquet; and Stephan Czolij, information. The minutes were recorded by Secretary Ivan Shlapak, and Treasurer Roman Benesh reported on financial matters. Wasyl Sharwan, longtime secretary of UNA Branch 407 and a former district chairman, was co-opted as a member of the Convention Committee.

Also present at the meeting was UNA President Ulana M. Diachuk.

The committee reviewed a proposal by the Vesnivka Choir, which will appear in a special concert organized as part of the convention program. The concert will take place on Sunday, May 17, at St. Patrick's Church, located on Dundas and McCall streets in Toronto. The program will be highlighted by the first Toronto appearance of singer Alexis Kochan of Winnipeg. Tickets to the concert will be sold for $20 for adults and $10 for children up to age 12. The church's capacity is 1,000 persons.

Also discussed was attendance by UNA convention delegates at Sunday divine liturgies in local Ukrainian churches.

The Convention Committee is charged with soliciting advertisements for the convention book; this effort is being directed by Mr. Benesh.

Also touched upon was the UNA convention banquet, scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 16, at the Toronto Hilton, where the convention deliberations will be taking place.

Convention Committee members said they believe Ukrainian community members will attend the convention banquet, as well as the special concert featuring Vesnivka and Ms. Kochan.

Organizing results for December

During the month of December in 1997, branch secretaries and professional organizers were very active, which yielded good organizing results. The UNA Home Office received 158 new membership applications for a total insurance coverage of $2,544,200.

The top organizers among branch officers were: Michael Turko, Branch 63, nine members; Stefan Hawrysz, a UNA auditor and secretary of Branch 83, eight members; and Vira Krywyj, Branch 174, and Miron Pilipiak, Branch 496, seven members each. Even secretaries who had not exhibited any organizing activity throughout the year became active in December.

The UNA's professional organizers, who had worked constantly throughout the year, enrolled 29 new members insured for $1,584,200 during the month of December.

Sincere thanks go out to all organizers for their contributions to the growth of the UNA. We believe that the December push to enroll new members will not die down, but will carry on into the new year.

UNA Home Office

regarding election of delegates in UNA Branches
having less than 75 voting members

In accordance with the By-Laws of the UNA a Branch having less than 75 voting members, that is, members whose dues to that Branch include contributions to the Fraternal Fund of the UNA, may unite with another Branch also having less than 75 voting members, for the purpose of electing a mutual representative at the Convention. If, when combined, the aggregate of the two Branches shall be no less than 75 voting members, they shall have the right to elect one delegate.

Branches wishing to unite for the purpose of electing a delegate and an alternate, should each adopt a formal resolution at their meeting and after mutual agreement, should conduct an election. Unless otherwise agreed by the mutual consent of both Branches, the Branch having the greater number of members shall be entitled to elect the delegate and the Branch having the lesser number of members, the alternate.

Both Branches, which have agreed to unite for the purpose of election a delegate and an alternate, should immediately notify in writing, the Recording Department of the UNA Home Office, which will send the proper credentials to each Branch.

In order to facilitate mutual agreements between Branches which have less than 75 voting members, we have listed these Branches below, showing the totals of voting members and the names and addresses of the Branch Secretaries, as well as telephone numbers if available.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 1, 1998, No. 5, Vol. LXVI

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