CCAU appeal: support the campaign to promote electorate's participation

Further reforms and consolidation of democratic processes in Ukraine, in great measure, will depend on the results of the general elections in Ukraine that will take place on March 29. Leading countries of the world and various international investment circles are paying close attention to the upcoming elections. Ukraine's future depends heavily on the outcome of these elections.

The Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine in the U.S.A. (CCAU) and the Institute of Statehood and Democracy, a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Ukraine, which has worked for the past three years to encourage and consolidate the growth of institutions that support Ukraine's independence and democratization processes, will coordinate efforts to monitor the upcoming elections.

Observers from many countries have already been invited, and informational handouts educating the electorate about the upcoming elections are being prepared. At this stage, it is imperative to involve community activists in Ukraine in monitoring the elections, to print electoral fliers and to place appropriate ads in local newspapers. Great effort must also be made to encourage the participation of young adults, who have failed in the past to participate in electoral processes.

The CCAU asks all those who are committed to the future of an independent Ukraine to support these efforts. Your participation can help ensure that the elections will be democratic and fair.

Tax-exempt contributions may be sent to: Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine, 16 Manger Road, West Orange, NJ 07052.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 15, 1998, No. 7, Vol. LXVI

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