Team Ukraine earns four medals at swimming championships in Australia

The eighth Fina World Swimming Championships were held in Perth, Western Australia, on January 8 -18. One of this newspaper's readers, Christine Martynowych of Philadelphia, happened to be visting the land down under at the time of the championships, which gave her an opportunity to attend that sports event, at which Ukraine earned three gold medals and one silver. She has forwarded these photos from Australia to share with fellow readers. In the photo on the left, Ms. Martynowych (left) is seen with Ukraine's two gold medalists, Olena Zhunina (center) and Svitlana Serbina, who are holding a "joey," or baby kangaroo, whose mother was killed. In the photo above, Ms. Martynowych, holding a Team Ukraine jacket, is seen with two of Ukraine's diving coaches, Tetiana Turova (left), coach for the synchronized diving team, which won the gold medals; and Oleksander Barsukov (right), men's diving coach.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 8, 1998, No. 10, Vol. LXVI

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