Documentary to be broadcast

NEW YORK - On Wednesday, March 18, the ABC news program "Primetime Live" will broadcast "Bought and Sold," an investigative documentary about the international sex trade in women. The documentary includes material from a two-year undercover investigation into international prostitution conducted by Global Survival Network, the organization that also provided Michael Specter with information for the New York Times article "Trafficker's New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women."

For times of the ABC Primetime Live broadcast, check local ABC listings. (The program was to be broadcast on March 14 on Ukrainian television). To view the New York Times article in either Ukrainian or English, go to website For further information about Global Survival Network, or to purchase copies of the video, contact Gillian Caldwell at the organization's website,

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 15, 1998, No. 11, Vol. LXVI

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