Yaworska Fund announces two $5,000 music scholarships

OTTAWA - The Marusia Yaworska Scholarship Fund, administered by the University of Ottawa, will provide two $5,000 scholarships in 1998 to students who are pursuing music studies at the graduate level. One scholarship will be awarded to a student from Ukraine and the other to a student from Canada or elsewhere.

The fund is established from the estate of Marusia Yaworska, a music lover and pianist and violinist who taught performing arts for 40 years. The 1997 recipients were Oleg Bezborodko, from the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, and Denys Derome, who is currently studying at McGill University in Montreal.

Oleg Bezborodko is a talented pianist who regularly performs recitals in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities. His repertoire comprises works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Brahms, Ravel, Rachmaninov and Stravinsky. He has earned several citations in international competitions, including the Ludkevych Music Competition in Toronto, and the Vladimir Horowitz Festival of Piano and Chamber Music in Kyiv.

Although he is only 22 years old, horn player Denys Derome has already made his mark as a soloist, in addition to performing with professional orchestras. "He is the finest horn player I have encountered in 18 years of teaching," says John P. Zirbel, solo horn with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Derome won first prize as a soloist at the 1996 National Music Festival Competition. He was principal horn with the McGill Symphony Orchestra and has performed with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and the orchestra of L'Opéra de Montreal.

The Marusia Yaworska scholarships are awarded to students at the master's, doctoral or postdoctoral level. Candidates must be enrolled in a recognized music program and be nominated by their own school of music before March 31, with proper supporting documentation including an official application form, a curriculum vitae, a recording of three works, official transcripts and reference letters.

For more information about the Marusia Yaworska Scholarship Fund or to obtain an application form, contact: Chair Department Music, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa, 50 University Private, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5; or call (613) 562-5733.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 29, 1998, No. 13, Vol. LXVI

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