Notice to readers about change in printing facilities

This issue of The Ukrainian Weekly is the first to roll off the presses of a print shop that has been contracted by the Ukrainian National Association's Executive Committee to print the fraternal organization's two official publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. Previously, both newspapers were printed by the UNA-owned Svoboda Press, whose print shop was located at the fraternal's former headquarters building in Jersey City, N.J.

The changeover to an outside contractor was announced by UNA President Ulana Diachuk on Friday, April 10. As of Wednesday, April 15, Svoboda and The Weekly are being printed and mailed by Redmond Press, located in Denville, N.J. The Svoboda Press print shop has been closed down.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 19, 1998, No. 16, Vol. LXVI

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