UNA District Committee Meeting

New Haven

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - The annual meeting of the New Haven District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association was held here at Holy Protectress Church hall on March 14.

The meeting was opened by Taras Slewinsky, president of New Haven Branch 59, who welcomed all present and then handed over conduct of the meeting to the district chairman, Ihor Hayda. The Rev. Stepan Yanovsky delivered the invocation and deceased members were recalled with a moment of silence.

Twenty-nine members representing UNA branches 12, 59, 67, 253, 254, 277, 350 and 414 were present at the meeting. Also present was UNA Vice-President Nestor Olesnycky, who was welcomed to the meeting as the representative of the UNA Executive Committee.

The meeting participants unanimously elected the following to serve as the meeting presidium: Alexander Pryshlak, chairman; Stepan Tarasiuk, secretary. Mr. Tarasiuk read the minutes of the previous district meeting, which were accepted with minor addenda.

Mr. Hayda then reported on the work of the New Haven District during the past year and a half. He noted that five smaller UNA branches were merged with others and that this lessens the workload of UNA executive officers. He noted that new secretaries had taken over work in three branches: Branch 59 - Bohdan Doboshchak, Branch 350 - Stepan Bakay and Branch 414 - Gloria Horbaty.

Mr. Hayda also reported that he had convened a meeting of the district on September 14, 1997, at the time of the annual Ukrainian Day held in Stamford, Conn. The district fulfilled 66 percent of its annual membership quota for 1997, with branches in Bridgeport and Hartford showing the most organizing activity.

The district treasurer, Hryhoriy Gina, reported that the district had donated $200 to the Stefanyk Library in Lviv and for the publication of textbooks in Ukraine, but that it was not successful in collecting dues from UNA branches.

The chairman of the auditing committee, Myroslav Trojan, noted that he had reviewed the treasurer's books and found everything to be in order. This was seconded by Volodymyr Glova, a member of the auditing committee. Mr. Trojan's proposal to give the outgoing district officers a vote of confidence was unanimously approved.

Mr. Olesnycky then addressed the meeting participants. His first order of business, however, was to present a certificate of gratitude to Mr. Slewinsky for his many years of dedicated service to the New Haven District and as secretary of UNA Branch 59.

Mr. Olesnycky then proceeded to give a report on the state of the UNA. His principal topic was the proposed mergers of the Ukrainian Fraternal Association and the Ukrainian National Aid Association of America with the UNA, which will be voted on at the UNA's 34th Regular Convention in Toronto in mid-May.

He said the UNA had benefited from the sale of its headquarters building in Jersey City, N.J., and its move to Parsippany, N.J. Mr. Olesnycky also said that the deficit of the UNA's official newspapers, the Svoboda daily and The Ukrainian Weekly could be eliminated if the two were combined.

The district meeting then proceeded to elect the following as its officers for 1998: Mr. Hayda, chairman; Myron Kuzio, vice-chairman; Mr. Tarasiuk, secretary; Mr. Slewinsky, treasurer; Mr. Pryshlak, Dmytro Stec, Stepan Pokora, George Stachiv and Volodymyr Ditkovsky, members at large. Elected to the auditing committee were: Mr. Trojan, chairman; Mr. Glova and Stepan Mykhailyshyn, members.

As a plan of activity for the coming year, the district has delineated the following: enrollment of new members, merger of smaller branches and appointment of younger branch secretaries. An informational meeting is to be held in September, once again as part of the Ukrainian Day festivities in Stamford.

At the conclusion of the meeting, participants socialized over refreshments.

Young UNA'ers

Thomas Garren Bocon and his younger brother, Joseph Andrew, were enrolled by their parents, Thomas and Laurie Bocon, into UNA Branch 271 in Elmira, N.Y.

Oksana Maria Zaviysky, daughter of Yaroslaw and Natalia Zaviysky, is a new member of UNA Branch 155 in Perth Amboy, N.J. She was enrolled by her grandparents Vasil and Maria Zaviysky.

Brendan Alexander Malycky, born August 3, 1993, in Calgary, Alberta, is a new member of UNA Branch 500. He is the son of Andrew and Cynthia Malycky and was enrolled by his grandparents Alexander and Nancy Malycky.

Andrew W.J. Roach, seen above at the age of 8 months, is a new member of UNA Branch 323. He is the son of William and Anna Maria Roach of Raymore, Mo., and was enrolled by his grandfather John Brysky, who is president of Branch 323.

Andrew McMeekin, 9 months old, is the son of Ross and Christina McMeekin of Huntington, N.Y. He was enrolled into UNA Branch 76 by his grandparents George and Oksana Bazylevsky, with whom he is seen in the photo above.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 3, 1998, No. 18, Vol. LXVI

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