Congressman Jon D. Fox, supporter of Ukraine,
meets with Philadelphia area Ukrainian community

by Petrusia Sawchak

PHILADELPHIA - Rep. Jon D. Fox, serving his second term as U.S. representative for Pennsylvania's 13th Congressional District, was lauded for his support of Ukraine by Ambassador Yuri Shcherbak during a reception held in the congressman's honor at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center (UECC) on March 28.

On behalf of the hosting committee, Vera Andryczyk opened the program by explaining how Rep. Fox first became acquainted with the Ukrainian American community while serving in the Pennsylvania State General Assembly for four terms representing the Abington District in which the Ukrainian center is located. Both the congressman and his wife, Judi, have been frequent guests at major community events.

"Because of his involvement as advocate and supporter of Ukrainian causes and as a member of the very important International Relations Committee, Congressman Fox has developed a close working relationship with Ukraine's ambassador," said Ms. Andryczyk.

About a year ago a bipartisan Congressional Ukrainian Caucus was formed to address some of the concerns of the Ukrainian American constituency. The committee is composed of 19 members of Congress. "We are particularly proud that Congressman Fox initiated this committee and is its very active co-chairman," said Ms. Andryczyk.

Rep. Fox also serves on the House Committee on Banking and the Financial Services Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, as well as various caucuses. He previously served on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee.

After opening remarks, Ms. Andryczyk introduced Ambassador Shcherbak, who said he was "delighted to be together with his close friend from Washington, Jon Fox." Ambassador Shcherbak called Rep. Fox, "our champion in Washington for Ukraine."

"Jon Fox has been a key player in establishing the Ukrainian Caucus in Washington," said Ambassador Shcherbak. Dr. Shcherbak thanked Rep. Fox for fighting with other congressmen for aid to Ukraine. "Congressman Fox's support is always there," he emphasized.

Returning the compliments, Rep. Fox said he was proud to work with the ambassador on missions to Ukraine. He praised Ambassador Shcherbak as a "man of vision and great character in his work with the private sector." Mr. Fox also revealed his Ukrainian roots: "My father's father was born in Kyiv."

Rep. Fox said he helped sponsor $225 million in foreign aid to Ukraine. He is optimistic about Ukraine's future because of "the stability of the economy, inflation under control and the growth of private businesses and farms." He said he also is looking forward to the day when Ukraine will become a new member of NATO.

"The U.S. and Ukraine must become permanent partners," said Rep. Fox, adding that he would like to see joint strategic arms programs and agricultural exchanges between our two countries. "We need to work on increased investments in Ukraine, which will create more jobs," he said. He also stressed the importance of peaceful nuclear and space technology cooperation.

Congressman Fox, a Republican, will be seeking his third term in office in elections on May 19.

In the spirit of friendship, Rep. Fox presented Ambassador Shcherbak with the United States flag, and Ms. Andryczyk gave Mr. Fox a copy of the book "Ukraine and Ukrainians Throughout the World," (Toronto University Press). Dr. Volodymyr Bandera, author of the chapter, "Independent Ukraine on the Map of Europe," autographed the book for Congressman Fox.

The evening was hosted by Ms. Andryczyk (chair), Marijka Tatunchak, Marijka Cyhan, Lana Ilnycky, Maria Maksymuik and Petrusia Sawchak.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 17, 1998, No. 20, Vol. LXVI

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