Hadzewycz thanks supporters

Esteemed and dear delegates:

Thank you for this opportunity to run for such an important position in the Ukrainian National Association.

Thank you for your readiness to hear my ideas and those of other new candidates representing the younger generation.

Thank you for your support.

I hope, dear delegates, that the thoughts expressed here at this critical convention will have a positive effect on the future of our organization and that their resonance will reach beyond this convention.

To the newly elected members of the General Assembly I would like to say: may you work together successfully - as a team - for the good of our association and the good of our entire community.

In conclusion, I give you my personal pledge that I will continue to work for the good of the Ukrainian National Association, which is so dear to me, if I am given such an opportunity.

I thank you sincerely.

Roma Hadzewycz, candidate for UNA president

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 31, 1998, No. 22, Vol. LXVI

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